We Have A Little Alone Time

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"Wow. Mom, I'm sorry, I accused you of just running away for no reason, but you had a very good reason. You just wanted to protect me. I'm very sorry, mom." I admitted to my mom, head hanging very low.

"Honey, you have every right to think that, and it's ok. You don't have to feel embarrassed or mad at yourself for making a wrong assumption, it happens all the time." She sweetly exchanged a smile.

I ran up to my mom and gave her a hug. It felt good to have a mom right here, someone I can talk to without being embarrassed. I worked up a question that I had always wanted to ask, a question a daughter would ask  a mom, not a dad.

"Mom, can we have a girls day?" I asked, still getting used to asking mom something, or just saying mom.

"Of course! Where do you want to go? Theres the spa, the beach, the YMCA, or we can stay at a hotel. It's all your choice, honey." She told me.

I thought about it and then made my choice." Can we stay at a hotel? But don't let dad know that your here, that I'm with you, or that we're leaving. He'll kill you."

"Yes, we can go to a hotel, but wouldn't you rather stay at a resort?" She asked me.

I nearly jumped up and down with  excitement, and had to hold in a joyful laugh." Yes, thank you, mom. Your the best."

So, we packed up all we needed for 1 month( because thats how long we decided  to stay for) , and crept downstairs, past my dad in the living room, and out the door. I almost shouted with glee, but my mom put a hand over my mouth. Wait a second, whats my mom's name? I thought really hard, but I had never heard it. It would be humiliating if she knew I didn't know her name. Fine, I'll ask.

"Mom, I know I should know this, but dad never told me, so, what's your na, na, na, na, name?" I blushed bright red, but she only laughed.

"Of course your father wouldn't tell you  my name, and even if he did, I changed it after I hid. When me and your dad were still together, my name was Katy, but now I go by the name Madeline. You feel free to call me either one, ok?" She filled me in on every little detail, and then we heard a rustling in the house, coming closer. "Run, we got to fly, yes, fly Becca, he's coming." She whispered, and we took flight.

I decided that I would call my mom Madeline for two reasons. One, because Madeline is a very pretty name, two, because that was her name now. Madeline led me up into the clouds, then above them. We soared like eagles up there, and an airplane didn't even harm us. She led me straight towards the sun, and soon we were at it. The sun wasn't as hot as it seems, and there was a door in the sun. Madeline knocked on the door.

"Did you know you have a twin sister? She came with me, and you stayed with your dad. Her name is Marida, she looks exactly like you. She lives at this resort, is a fairy resort." Madeline bombed.

I guess it's my new thing to faint, because I'm doing it a lot. Down I went, and then all was black. When I woke up, I was in a bed, different from all others. It had a wing indent, an  it made my wings super comfy. Suddenly, I remembered my talk with mom, and almost fainted. Again.

Looking around the room, I clarified it as the resort. It had a master bathroom, with a shower the size if a jacuzzi. There was a tv in the room, and a show called Fairy News: The Latest Updates. It was showing a fairy so elegant in a building, but all of a sudden, a man came up and chopped her right in half! I quickly turned the tv off.

Right then, a lady walked in, and I nearly fainted again, because she looked exactly like me!

"Hello, I"m Marida." She told me, but then she looked like she was going to faint too.

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