Have Some Fun.............

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Our assignment involved a bunch of nasty, slimey frogs. And, I know what your thinking, but your wrong. We are not dissecting frogs, we are trying to grow LIVE frogs a fifth leg.

Emily and I worked in silence until we finished our first potion. It was a spray potion, so Emily poured the potion into a nearby bottle and sprayed it onto the frog.We waited 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, but nothing happened.

"Ok, that didn't work, so maybe if we mix sand, little pieces of frog feet, and...." I began, but Emily cut me off.

"With some iron filings!" She finished, and I was shocked.

"How do you know that?" I asked her, and she just smiled and shook her head.

We worked on our new potion, but we were talking about stuff, and, it turns out we have a lot in common. Science is both our favorite subject, thats one thing.

"Done!" We both yell.

Everyone stars at us like we're crazy, but we both smile and turn back to our frog. We spray the potion onto the frog, and instantly the 5th leg starts to grow.

"Yeah!!" I shout, and both me and Emily are grinning from ear to ear.

"Class, I think Becca and Emily has something to share with us. Girls??" Mr.Machentoch announces, and we walk up to the front of the room.

"So, we mixed sand, little bits of frog feet, ans iron filings, and it made this frog grow a 5th leg!" Emily yelled over our classmates chatting excitedly about the 5 legged frog.

"Ok, whoever can figure out how to make the leg decrease will get extra credit."Mr.Macentoch told the class.

Emily and I worked on making the leg decrease, but then I had an idea."What if we use the first potion and see if it makes the leg decrease!"

So we sprayed the frog with it. For a few minutes, nothing happened, but then the leg disappeared! We were even more surprised when all the other legs fell off!

'Ring ring!' The bell rang, and everyone rushed out of the classroom and to the curb. Mr.Macentoch took my frog and ran out the door, yelling,"Whoopie!" All the way out of school.


Please comment on all that comes to mind. Thanks soooo much enjoy the rest of the book.

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