And Then They Become The Biggest!

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I found a seat and plopped into it, good, no whoopie cushion. On the table there was lemonade, strawberries, and pickles. I helped myself to a glass of lemonade and a pickle.

"So, why was I called here?" I asked no one in particular.

The tooth fairy spoke this time," Becca, Mr.Machentoch's power is increasing, and we can't have you go to school anymore. Oh, by the way, your mo-- I mean, this lady has something to tell you."

"Becca, is it really you? It's me, your m-m-m-, it's me, your mom." She told me. The last thing I remember was me falling. Down, down, down.

When I woke, I was in my bed, but the room was way different. It had blue flowers and beautiful wings attached to the most elegant fairies. I looked at my bedspread and it was the same. I climbed out of bed and looked in a mirror attached to a closet, and I was wearing a skintight suit made out of leaves.

I opened the closet door, and it was full of the same suits, leaf jackets, and shoes. I pulled on a jacket and shoes, then opened up the room door. There were stairs leading to many doors, but 1 at the bottom caught my eye. It had a picture of my mom on it, but mom had wings, and they made her look even more beautiful then she already was.

I walked down to the door and knocked. The door opened instantly, but no one was there. This room was HUGE, like it was a mansion in a house. There was a fountain in the middle, and on top was a fairy, the fairy that is told to be my mom.

"Hello Becca, how do you feel?" She asked me, and I nearly fainted when I heard her sweet voice.

"Hi, mom. I feel fine, but what happened yesterday? The last thing I remember is you telling me your my mom." I stuttered, shaking all over.

"Well, when I told you that I was your mom, you fainted. Your father moved into aunt Molly's farm, so we flew you to it. Since you know we are here, you see her farm differently. You see fairy's, what your whole family truly is." She explained.

Suddenly I got mad." Why did you leave me! I thought you were dead, but this whole time you were hiding in my attic! I can't believe this! Parents are supposed to love you, be with you, but you just hid forever!"

"Look, Becca, you don't understand, I was trying to protect..." She tried to say, but I cut her off.

"No, I don't even want to hear it. I WISH YOU WERE TO DISAPPEAR!" I screamed.

"Becca, if fairies wish something, it cones true, please, take back your wish!" She pleaded.

"I don't care if you die, if you never came back, I just want life to be back to normal again!" I yelled, furious.

I ran out of the room and thought, fairies aren't real, they aren't. I am not a fairy, but I knew I was, so nothing happened. I went into the living room and found my dad in there, but he had black wings, so I backed away.

Gathering up my courage, I went back into my mom's room. She wasn't on the fountain, so I went up a small flight of stairs. At the end of the stairs there was a door, and I opened it. I found my mom, or what was left of her. She was have gone, and crying. My wish! I need to wish for her to be full again and not disappear.

"Mom! I wish you will stop disappearing and be full again!" I shouted, eyes watering.

Instantly, she became full again, but she was still crying. She plopped down on the floor and cried, cried, it felt like she was crying for an eternity.

"Mom, why are you crying? I'm sorry for wishing that you would disappear, I didn't mean it. I have a question, why does dad have black wings?" I questioned.

"Well, I feel like I'm a bad mother now, because you wish that I wasn't here. About your dad, he has black wings because, well, he's an, an, an evil fairy. I went away because he would kill me. I wanted him to become a good fairy, so he said that if he saw me again he would kill me, and you. I went away to protect you, but I was never to far, only in the attic. If you believed, when you went into attic to get your teddy bear when you were three, you would have seen me." My mom explained.

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