The Second I Came........

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Not long after, the break bell rang, and I wasn't to happy. The odds that someone would talk to me were very low. I found a nice bench and started to listen to my beats, but then I spotted someone walking, towards me!

When she saw me glance at her, she yelled," You made quite an entrance this morning!" And then plopped down next to me.

"Well, thanks." I stated with a hint of both sarcasticness and meanness.

But only to be shot down by her shouting,"Hey, I think it was great!" And I was pretty sure that everyone heard it."What's your name? Mine is Emily." She asked, lowering her voice a little.

I responded by flatly stating,"Becca." 'Gosh, is she annoying!', I thought. Then there was silence.

"Becca is a cool name." Emily assured me to end the silence.

I replied," Emily too." Then there was some more silence.

I started going back to listening to music, but only to be bombarded by Emily asking,"What are you doing?"

I answered flatly,"Listening to the beats I made."

"Really? That's so cool! I play the guitar!" Emily shouted.

"Wow, so cool!" I faked. Finally, the bell rang and break was over.

"Do you want to hang out tomorrow?" Emily asked, and the way she smiled I couldn't say no.

"Sure. Give me your phone number, we can text."I replied.

She rubbed her arm and nervously told me," I don't have a phone. My family can't afford one."

"Oh. That's ok. Never mind." I assured her.

She walked away, not looking back. Now look what I did, I thought. As I was walking into class, Mr.Machentoch pulled me aside.


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