In a Year........

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"How long are we staying at aunt Mary's farm??" I asked my dad.

"A year. You will have the best time, Becca. It'll be fun." He told me.

"Yeah, sure. K, I'll go pack, then." I sarcastically announced, a look of hatred on my face.

I ran to my room, then plopped on my bed, crying again. I cried for about an hour, then got a grip on myself. I packed up, leaving out pj's, 2 pairs of clothes, a blanket, and a pillow.

By then I was exhausted, so I set up my pillow and blanket. As soon as I layed down, I passed out. My dream continued from last night, and I became one like my mom, she told me we were fairies.

I jolted up, no, all that was a dream. We are not moving, I don't have wings, and there are no such things as fairies. A jingling at my window made me run over to it. What I saw had to be an illusion. I saw a fairy with a dress covered in teeth. I opened the window, and the fairy flew in. She murmured something, and she became human sized.

"Hello. I have been sent here to warn you. Your teacher, Mr.Machentoch, is an evil fairy. He wishes to hurt all the good fairies, steal all their magic.

You can stop him, for he doesn't suspect you. Please help us, for if you do, I'll tell you a secret. Here's your fairphone, call or text us if you need to. Bye, Becca." The fairy speedily informed me, then just disappeared. I looked all around my room, but nowhere did I see a phone.

Suddenly, a sparkly blue paper-like thing fell off of my roof. I ran to catch it, an it fell right into my hands. I looked at it, an there was a screen. It said, FAIRPHONE. I instantly knew what it was. I went to

the contacts, and the first one was "tooth fairy". The fairy that talked to me had a tooth dress, so I assumed that she was the tooth fairy. I clicked on it, and put it to my ear. Instantly, someone picked up.

"Hello?" A familiar voice asked, so I jumped in.

"Hello, this is Becca I am leaving to Virginia in 2 days so I only have 1 day to catch Mr.Machentoch I won't be able to someone else can do it but I can't I didn't choose to be a fairy."

The voice that answered was much different than the last, for it was Mr.Machentoch's voice," Hello, Becca. Thank you for telling me that you are a fairy, you are leaving, and where you are going. I will steal ALL the fairy magic, starting with your mother's."

My mom? My mom disappeared, she can't still be here. Mr.Macentoch is probably just trying to make me weaker by mentioning my mom, but it won't work.

I hang up the fairphone and dropped it on my window ledge. What if my mom is hiding in the forest, what if she abandoned me for them? A sharp pain ran through my head, and I stopped thinking about my mom.


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