Cinderella's Tears ~ Chapter 34

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My eyes were misty but the pain in my head was as clear as day. I found my body sprawled on the floor of a cellar. My body complained as I tried to sit up. That was a horrible idea. A dizzy, sick feeling struck my head. I found that I was unable to form a clear image in my head. I fell to the floor. My head struck the dirt floor. I immediately curled up in a protective position and covered my eyes.

"Make the pain go away," I whispered frantically to myself. I kept repeating it like a prayer. Slowly, the pain left me. I was empty for a moment until a cold, sickness came over me. I groaned loudly. In the back of my throat, I felt vomit. Before I stopped myself, I swallowed. It burned my throat.

The door opened. I was facing away from the company that entered. I believe a male voice spoke out. There was what seemed to sound like a laughter coming from a person near me. There were a few more shouts. I clutched my shoulders and from that moment on, I had no memory.

Immediately, I was shaken away. I groaned and turned to face the person who dared to wake me up. It was no surprise that I did not recognize the man. When he saw that I was awake, he gave me a big goofy grin. For a second, I found myself staring at him in disbelief. Then, I hastily moved back until I hit the cold wall. I flinched away from the wall. It was absolutely freezing.

The man that stared back at me was no older than my father, forty or so, yet he seemed much older. There were definite signs of ageing on this man's face. There were deep bags underneath his eyes. He was sprouting a well grown beard, filled with disgusting bugs and dirt. His hair was nearly as long as mine and maybe just as messy. The eyes that stared at me were undefined and hazy. His skin was a sickly white. He was thin, starved even. There were a few signs on muscle in his arms but after that, there was just bone and skin. Although I could not recognize him, there was something familiar about him. Perhaps it was the eyes. For now it was impossible to identify him.

"Who are you?" I asked when I found my voice.

He only smiled. It was tortured smile. It was crooked and showed all his yellow teeth. Although it was not filled with evil, it was not filled with happiness.

The pitiful man raised his arms to show he didn't have a weapon. He wouldn't hurt me. As he did so, I could see his hands were overworked. His fingers looked inhuman.

I raised my hand in return, for reasons I did not know of up. Since this man would obviously not give me any information, I decided to ignore him.

This was the first time I acknowledged my surrounding. I was in a small stone room, similar to a prison cell. It was separated into two by bars. I, unfortunately, was on the isolated side. By the looks of it, the prisoner next to me has been here for a while.

"How did I get here?" I asked out loud. My memory seemed to fail me.

I looked down. I was wearing a blue dress, ripped at the helm.

Everything came rushing back to me. The engagement party, Charles, the servant who handed me the drink... I was kidnapped. I knew that guy was creepy. Nothing ever good ever comes from drinking. Well, I mean I did but I'm not entirely "good" as they say.

The servant must have drugged me and dragged me away. I frowned at the thought, why did no one notice or stop him? The answer was clear. Everyone was either too drunk to care or let’s face it. Everyone there hated me.

I sighed; soon Dylan will come and save me. That was guaranteed. A smile tugged at my mouth and I leaned on the bar. My prince in shining armor, coming on his white horse. My little prince...

The words seemed very similar. Something didn't feel right. Why did I even want to drink? If I hadn't, I wouldn't be in this mess. I frowned. Charles's angry expression popped up in his head.

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