Cinderella's Tears ~ Chapter 7

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The next couple days, the family stayed busy in preparation of the ball. I had more free time and was able to escape the house more often. They didn't notice at all. I might as well have been dead.

Food was easier to sneak out of the kitchen, since Rachel and Father started to eat out. Most of the servants were assigned to different house jobs such as cleaning, gardening or assisting the sisters. My sparrow was overjoyed when I came back to the attic with a bunch of fruits and bread in my arms. As it ate greedily, I couldn’t help but notice how much bigger and healthier it grew. Since Zoey and Lisa were out of the house, shopping with Rachel, I decided to risk it and try a bit of singing.

I hid the food in my gypsy chest and returned my attention to the bird. It was nerve wrecking. It stared back at me then turned around uninterested. Annoyed, I slightly opened my mouth and prepared to sing a note. Then, croak. In shock, I grabbed my throat. It has been a while I guess. I cleared my throat and tried to sing a clearer note.

“LaaaaAaaa,” I scoffed. That’s the best I can do? I looked at the sparrow to see her response. It cocked its head to the side. I frowned. I positioned my head to be level to the sparrow. “’Let’s see you do better,” I challenged the bird.

In response, she chirped a long, clear note.

“You weren’t supposed to respond,” irritated that a bird could sing better than me. “It was just practice.”

I looked at the ceiling. It helped me concentrate. ”Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,” I sang, on a pitch lower than the sparrows. I looked at her and shrugged, “Better than Zoey, you’ll have to admit.” The bird nodded in response. I laughed. Somehow this little bird seems to understand everything I’m saying. Soon enough, we competed against each other by vocalizing. She was better at high notes but it was ok since I was better at low, sexy notes.

I honestly need friends. I looked at the bird who now rested on my finger.  It was pecking my thumb. I shook her off, causing her to flap her wings, so that she wouldn’t crash to the floor.

“Some friend you are.”

Downstairs, I heard someone calling me. I rushed out the door, leaving the sparrow hopping around like an idiot. More chores for me.

I was walking down the street with Mary, another maid from the house. Around us, people flowed in and out of shops. They took no notice of us and kept bumping into us. We would have had major problems earlier but we were experts at this. We expertly weaved through the crowd. The smell of warm bread lured the crowd near the bakery. Mary took my wrist and roughly dragged me to the tailor. She took the door handle and twisted it open. She opened the door and then left it for me to hold. I was about to step in when a large woman in rich, elegant clothing barged out. Her daughter, who seemed a bit younger than me, ran after her, like a little puppy. I staggered back. Then on the corner of my eye, I saw an unnoticed, dark figure jump of the top of the shop, across the street. I was so amazed, that I didn't notice that I was still holding the door open. I snapped out of my daze, when I heard Mary's voice calling me.

At the tailors, Mary was explaining the complex designs of Rachel's, Heather's and Zoey's dresses. It all sounded like a drag. The tailor didn't seem all too happy to make these dresses. He frowned and nodded his head. Occasionally he would shake his head in frustration and reply back to Mary.

There were a bunch of fabrics and dresses on display, throughout the shop. I wander around, looking at each one. All of them were gorgeous. They had a royal aura around them. Each one seemed carefully crafted. I wanted to touch one but I felt like if I did, I would ruin it. It was almost as if they were from a different world. I quickly glanced at Mary and the tailor. Relieved that they weren't looking, I turned back to the dress. Slowly, my hand drew closer to the fabric.

I heard the door close. From the front of the shop, a man entered. Startled, I snatched my hand away. I backed away from the dress, but didn't take away my eyes away until the person who just entered the store, came closer to us. I glanced at him. Our eyes met. I frowned.

"What are you doing here?" I hissed at him. Dylan grinned at me, but turned his back toward me.

He approached Mary. When Mary saw him, she took a step back. She had a surprised look on her face. I was in shock. She always had a bored look on her face, but now she looked amazed. In one hand she had a basket, filled with different fabrics. Dylan took her free hand, brought it near his face and softly kissed it. Mary's face became red. I couldn't say anything, because I was in awe.

Dylan looked at her in the eyes. "May I steal Lady Diane away from you? I will bring her back before you leave the market, I promise," He smiled at her.

"Ye-yes," Mary managed to say. Dylan smiled at her.

"Thank you." He then bowed. Ok, maybe not a full on bow but nodding your head like that is almost a bow for me. what a weirdo.

Dylan grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of the shop. I didn't do anything because I was speechless. I looked back at Mary. Her face was slightly red and she had her hand over her mouth. It looked like she would melt in any moment. Even though I was in awe, I was slightly annoyed.

Dylan took me to one of the far corners of the market, where there were less people.

"You can't just keep taking me away," I informed him.

He looked at me in disbelief, and then laughed, "Really? Just watch me."

I crossed my arms, "Why did you take me from the shop?" I waited for an answer. He liked away and ignored my question. Irritated, I asked, "Were you the one who jumped off the roof?"

He looked surprised, "I knew you always noticed me." He gave me another one of his devilish grins. Annoyed, I didn’t just let it go. I took his face, started to move his cheeks and observing it with great awe. He was surprised at this.

“Amazing,” I said. “Just like the devil himself.”

Dylan shoved my hands away. I laughed at him. He looked like a kid.

Then Dylan grew very quiet and serious. "Are you going to go to the three balls?"

I looked at him, surprised. His face showed the frustration and child usually had. I laughed. "Why do you ask? Jealous?" He looked at me for a second. He then stood up and looked at me, angry.

"Don't go. You will just make a mess for everyone. You don't fit in." Dylan walked away, leaving me alone. If he hadn't gone, then I would have killed him. 

“Did you really do all that so you could just tell me that?” I hollered at him. He didn’t answer. I hate you, you know that?

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