Cinderella's Tears ~ Chapter 24

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The next morning, Magdalena and I set out for the town. We dressed in long dresses and she helped comb my now amazing hair.

"Here, cover your hair with this," The old woman handed me a large handkerchief. I felt it in my hand and stared at it. Slowly I placed it over my head and tied it. My long hair trailed behind me, chocolate curls.

Magdalena handed and  forced me to carry large baskets filled with embroidered cloth and different fabrics. There were other stuff as well, items that she would trade or sell. Among them were a few of my possessions that I had kept in my gypsy chest.

As we walked, I noticed different birds flying near Magdalena.  She stared ahead, gliding forward like a queen. She turned to me and met my stare.

"Straighten your back." I followed her orders and looked straight forward.

I couldn't help thinking how different we were. She seemed like a royal and I, a mere servant. How can I be her granddaughter? How is Katherine my mother? I seem like a failure.

I sighed.

"Diane, you have changed."

I looked at her, "What do you mean?"

"Physically and mentally. Your shape is more filled out, no more bones. And your face seems softer, you smile more and your eyes are more relaxed. The way you talk is softer and sounds nicer too. Not to mention your hair. God, your hair is amazing." She smiled at me, "You've changed. Your spirit is lighter. The half-dying cow that I found at my doorstep and the woman beside me now are two different people."

I laughed softly. I couldn't help smiling.

"I'm being serious! That crazy, strange woman would not be able recognize you anymore!"

I looked at Magdalena, "I am really happy to hear that."

"Of course its all thanks to me."

I laughed.

After walking for a bit, we reached town.

"Huh, its closer than I thought," I chuckled. We walked through town, to the center, the marketplace.

Passing by all the stalls, I recognized the people from my part of town. People were laughing and talking loudly. Crowds gathered by the stalls, demanding for goods. Servants from everywhere came and chatted happily, masters only few feet away discussing. The atmosphere seemed different. A world I did not know.

"Why is everyone so busy and cheerful?" I asked.

Magdalena looked around, "Isn't it usually like this?" She shrugged, "Have you been living in  world of darkness? Besides its the ball is upcoming. Why shouldn't they be happy?"

"I suppose." At that moment a woman blocked our path.


"Elle!" Magdalena smiled at her and they hugged each other.

"It's so good to see you!"

"It's been to long, dear."

"Come, come!" The woman took Magdalena's arm and guided her through the crowd. She looked at me and smiled. I followed obediently.

Elle took us to the tailor shop, the one Rachel always shops at. She went to the back of the store. 

"You can put down the items," Magdalena said. I nodded and carefully placed the baskets on the nearest table.

Elle came back with two tall wine glasses and a bottle of wine. When she saw me she smiled, "Oh? And who is this?"

I opened y mouth to speak but the old woman beat me to it, "Allow me. This is Diane, my granddaughter. You remember Katherine? This is her daughter. Diane, this Ellen, an old friend of mine."

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