Cinderella's Tears ~ Chapter 2

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It was still dark when I heard the chirping. My memory was fuzzy as it always was when I wake up at night. I stretch my neck and look out the window. I could see the bird couple obsessing over the baby birds. So they finally hatched. For a full minute I just laid there lazily, listening to them chirp. Finally getting the courage, I stood up, letting the covers fall, exposing my bare arms and legs. Without looking away, I took my covers and wrapped it around me.  I was still wearing my old, short maid dress that didn't even pass my knees. It was thin and held by two long straps that were tied together since it ripped a couple times. I didn’t pay attention to the raw cold of the morning. I was sort of drawn to the window.

I could feel the sharp rips on the cover brushing past my legs as I took a step. The wooden boards were cold. I could feel every detail as I slowly stepped on them. It was sending shivers up my legs. A cold feeling gripped my chest. There was something about today. I couldn’t put my finger on it.

On the ledge of the window, I could see four small baby birds, not even out of their eggs. I silently watched them cheep. The parents were at the edge of the nest, hopping up and down in excitement. I smiled tiredly while they did everything to please their babies.

Satisfied, I dragged myself back to my previous place, for it was the only place where the floor was still warm. Leaning on the wall, I slid down to the floor. I have no memory of what happened next. The sound of a heel hitting the stairs woke me up. No time seemed to have past but light already entered the room. It was warmer than earlier. I started to drift off again. The door slammed open. My eyes snapped open, I was fully awake now. I started to get up, confused. Zoey's face was red from rage. She ignored me and marched straight to the window. She opened it in the same fashion she open the door. I rushed over but it was too late.

"SHUT UP YOU STUPID BIRDS!!!!!!  YOU WOKE ME UP AND YOU IS INTERUPPTING MY SINGING LESSONS!!!!!!!!!!" She only succeeded in causing the tiny birds to shriek in fear louder.

I grabbed her wrist, trying to stop her. Her other hand flew out and slapped me on the face with so much force, that I stumbled to the ground. I clutched my cheek. It felt warm. She returned her attention to the poor birds. The parents were flying around her head, trying to scare her away but that did nothing. In horror, I watched her take the bottom of the nest and flip it off the edge.

My hand shot out and grabbed her bundle of golden hair and pulled her to the ground. Then I towered over her. She was lying sprawled on the floor shocked, like a fake little doll.

"Jealous that the birds sound better than you?"  I sneered at her. I placed my hand on my hip and dangled a bundle of fake hair that I must have pulled out when I grabbed her by her hair. At least I think it was fake. Let’s hope so, or I would be in trouble.

Her expression changed from shock to anger. "Take back what you said!"

With cold eyes I stared at her, “Even if I did, it will never change the truth.”

 She must have also said something else but I was already out the door. It sounded like a lot of curses and growling. She must be having a tantrum.

I threw the fake hair behind my shoulder, ran down the stairs and flew out the door. The cold air hit me hard. My cheek started to sting.

 It was hard to see anything with the wind whipping my hair in my face. There wasn’t much I could do about it so I just pushed my hair behind my ears. My eye wander around, searching the ground. Near the wall, I notice a bundle of sticks lying by the edge of the house. I rushed over and carefully placed it upright.

The nest had already fallen apart and there were no signs of the eggs. Patting the ground frantically, I searched for the bodies of the baby birds. I find three with cracked egg shells around them and put them next to each other. My vision was getting blurry. My eyes were hot and watery. I clench my teeth together. I will not cry I ordered myself. Not over the stupid thing Zoey did. But she took away the lives of innocent creatures that didn't even live for a day. The parents of the baby birds were morning above me, circling like vultures.

"Are you ok?" A gentle, rich voice came from behind me.

I spun around and found myself looking into the deepest, most beautiful brown eyes I had ever seen. I stumbled backward, nearly falling on my bum. The man reached out and grabbed my elbow, to steady me. Unconsciously, I grabbed his arm. Realizing what I was doing, I quickly let go.

 I breathed out, which I didn't even realize that I was holding my breath. There was a weird feeling in my stomach. I felt sick, like I was going to throw up. I wrap my arms around my waist, hugging myself. I look up.

 I took a good look at him. The tall guy stood over me. His dark brown hair covered his forehead. It was slightly curly at the tips. His eyes were a bit shady. His skin was a light tan color. His hands were in his pockets of his dark worn out pants. He squatted down next to me, looking at what I was doing. From closer up I could see that he looked like a little worn out.

When he caught me staring he slightly smiled at me. I averted my eyes away from him, remembering the birds. I turned to them and stared to pick them up. Then he spoke once more.

"You never answered my questions." I looked at him.


"Are you ok?" He repeated his question.

"Do I look ok?" I frowned at him.

He studied me carefully before answering, "No." He lifted his hand and was about to touch my cheek but I stopped him with my hand. I shoved his hand away and glared at him. He was taken by surprise. We stared at each other for a long period of time. We took that time to study each other carefully. He broke the gaze first.

Seeing that I was caring the baby birds in my hands, he gestured toward them, “Do you need help?" The guy pretended nothing happened.

"Why would you help me?" I looked at him strangely and confused. No one ever wanted to help me.

He opened his mouth, not sure what to say. "Why not?" he shrugged. He frowned when he saw me looking at him with a blank look on my face. Ignoring that look, he asked, "What are you doing anyway? You must be freezing." 

I was going to reply but I was interrupted by a tweet.

Both of us looked in the direction we heard the sound come from.

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