Cinderella's Tears ~ Chapter 30

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Dylan kept his word and the next morning I was finally out of the castle. Two guards, as promised, accompanied me as I set off.

We arrived at the forest on horseback. My companions were quiet and sullen. I did not bother to try and converse with them for if it were my choice they wouldn’t be here. One of them noticed my annoyance.

“Madam, please do not fret. We are here for your protection. Prince Dylan trusts you completely.”

As they rode behind me, I shot him a glance and didn’t respond to him.

“How much did you get paid to say that,” I mumbled underneath my breath.

The farther into the forest we rode, the less I recognized. There was a slight panic in my chest. The trees grew denser making it impossible to ride on horseback any farther. I slid of my horse and without looking back at the guards, I pushed on forward.

The woods were gloomy and unwelcome. A few strands of light broke through the leaves from the treetops. The crunching leaves behind me reminded me of my companions. I, on the other hand, was accustomed to making little to no noise at all when I walked. The leaves fell off the trees in a brilliant dance of orange, red and yellow. As I walked farther, the trees thinned and light shown through the nearly bare branches. Somehow the path seemed familiar and I knew exactly where to go. The sound of footsteps behind me disappeared. Soon I was standing in front of the cabin.

I felt a sudden joy run through me. I ran to the cabin and tore open the door. My heart sunk. There was a heavy silence. The room was completely empty. There was a strange feeling to it but I couldn’t place my finger on it. It felt empty and sullen.

 “Grandma?” I called out. I looked around. I peered into the kitchen but it was also cold and untouched. Frowning, I walked out the door.

I looked around and headed back into the forest. ‘She must be back in town r somewhere in the forest,’ I figured.

Clouds blocked the sun, as it came up. As if guided by an unseen force, I flawlessly glided through the woods. The world was silent. A cold gust of wind came out of nowhere. I grabbed my arms and hugged myself, shivering. My breath was visible in the cold air. There was something magical in the air. I could feel its presence. I closed my eyes. From now, I walked from memory. I clenched my hand tightly, numb from the cold. Beside me, my mother walked.

In the distance, between some trees, was a small house. I grinned though I could not feel it. My face felt like a mask. I could will it to move but I would never know what truly was shown.

Candle sticks were lit up, guiding us in the dark house.  I felt the heat of the light shining dimly. I took hold of the stair railing. My mother placed her cold hand upon mine and together, we walked up to the second floor.

The second floor was one big room. Mirrors covered the walls. I turned hastily to walk back out. But the door disappeared and in its place was a mirror.

A horrible stench filled the air, as if they were burning something. Rubber or even an animal. I ignored it though.

I looked around at all the mirrors. My mother looked back at me in the reflections. Her soft eyes looked down on my in sadness, in disappointment. I walked up to my reflection. I stared into my eyes, filled with fear.

Suddenly, I turned around and gasped. My mother was right there, in front of me. Her eyes no longer filled with the warmth I remembered from my childhood, but they were filled with cold, deep hatred. Her mouth moved but no sound came out. She kept repeating the same words. I stared at her in horror. Her kind face twisted into a cruel familiar face. Rachel stared down at me.

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