Cinderella's Tears ~ Chapter 3

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The faint tweet came from the stairs. Finally, an excuse to get away from this guy. Near the stairs, was a small, dark shape. Biting my lip, I looked in the corner of the stairs and the wall. The guy had leaned over me, because his hand was on my shoulder. I shook him off and gently took the dark object. I cup my hands around a little, wet bird.

It looked horrible, cover in dirt and dust. There was a little bit of blood coming from underneath the wing. Its eyes were shut tightly. I would have thought it was dead it I hadn’t seen it wove its wings slightly. I placed it on my chest, with my hands crossed. Thank god.

Without looking, I could tell that the boy had changed his spot and now was crouching next to me, watching everything I was doing. Carefully, I brushed away some dust around the wound. The bird twitched.


I turned and stared at him.

"Sparrow," he repeated. He gestured towards the bird," It's a sparrow."


Thinking over the situation, I went in the house, leaving the guy on the streets, and returned with two pieces of cloth, a wet one and dry one.  I wrapped the wet cloth around the baby bird that's still alive. With the other one, I wrapped around the dead ones. Taking both of them, I walked to the field, which is not far from here.

The guy had followed me, to see what I was doing. At the edge of the field, I stopped in front of a small tree and fell to my knees. About a half a meter away from the tree, I started digging. Only using my hands, I battled the ground. Luckily, it was soft, since it rained two days ago. Not caring about getting my fingers dirty or breaking a nail, I started to make a hole. When it was big enough, I placed the baby birds in the hole and covered it with the extra dirt.

I got Goosebumps all over my arms and legs. The wind kept whipping my hair around but this time away from my face. Taking a deep breath, I let the numbness take over, making me forget everything. Closing me eyes, I pretended I didn’t exist.

Two strong, warm arms wrapped around me. Then took my dirty hands and squeezed them.  I snapped back to reality. He chuckled and played with my fingers. His warm breath made my neck tingle. Being uncomfortable, I pulled away.

Hesitating, I bit my lip. I opened my mouth but I was unable to say anything. He frowned at me.

"I guess I'll be seeing you later."

At first I couldn’t move. Then, shock took over. "Wait!" I hissed, "I don't know you, you don't know me. What are the chances of us meeting each other? What if I don’t want to meet you?"

Grinning he replied, "Don’t worry, you will. The name's Dylan and I know you'll be at the house we were just at. There, now you know who I am and I know where you live. Now what is your name?"

I'm starting to hate this guy. "Diane." I replied, mimicking Rachel's high, screechy voice.

He only grinned and then walked back to the city without looking back.

Standing there, I realized how the hell am I suppose to take care of a new born. I clutched the bird to my chest, hoping to give it warmth.  Slowly I walked home. I bit my lip, trying to think of what to do. I knew I had to sneak into the house with it. But Rachel would stop me and ask where I was. Not only that, she would also demand why Zoey is half-bald. I gasped. Nahh, I’d be fine, as long as I take the hair I left on the stairs and give it to them. They can reattach it, somehow.

I bit my lip. By the end of this day, my lip will hurt like hell.

*Dylan's P.O.V.*

That was definitely strange.

Kicking rocks, I walked down the streets. I was chased out of the house, because Father was angry with me. Can you believe it? He's the demanding stupid requests. Then, with no warning, in the house on my left I heard a scream. Something flew out the small window at the top. Then more screaming. Suddenly, the door flew open and a girl; half naked flew out the door. She must have noticed me, because instantly she dropped to the ground frantically searching for something. I snickered, are you blind? I couldn't see her face through the tangled mess, which must be her hair...

I asked her if everything was alright. She stared at me as if I was going to kill her.  Finally, she found a small, mangled body of a bird. A placed my hand on her shoulder. It looked like she was crying but she only pushed me away. She looked shocked when I tried to help her then she ignored me and ran away.  Rude. After following her, I saw that she dug a grave for the birds. Her shoulders were shaking uncontrollably. I hugged her in fear that she was cold and crying. She pulled away from my grip.

What the hell am I doing? Why do I keep trying to help this weird girl after she rejected my help countless times? It was almost as if I was drawn to her.

Finally I saw her face when the wind blew her hair away from her face. She looked like a puppy that was beaten and scared. Her eyes were dark and horrifying. I pitied her.

After I learned her name, I left her in the middle of the field, secretly hoping that she'd run back begging for help. Disappointed that she never came, I returned to kicking rocks on the street.

Smiling to myself, I decided. From this day I will find out more about this girl, because obviously she's not normal. Diane, I thought, I will defiantly come back for you. You better watch out.

I stopped in my tracks. Commoners around me were staring at me. I hid me face and ran into an alley. Stupid! What normal person, starts grinning randomly? Shaking my head, I headed home, preparing for hell.

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