Sometimes, things don't go your way.

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I walk down the streets and take a few deep breaths. I've never realized that I've never actually moved on from her, she's everything a guy would want. I was so stupid to not even try to chase her! Maybe things went too fast. Maybe she's wrong about Trevor too, maybe he's not the guy she really wanted. I stop by a bouquet shop and buy a rose. Maybe I could win Adriana back.

I know Adriana still wants me, there's a part of her that does.


Lance approaches my car and asks if he could ride with me. I wanted to say no but I knew Sarah would find it absurd why. So, I said yes. I saw him put his hand on her shoulder and Sarah responded as if she's never been touched by a guy before. My heart wanted to tell him to keep his hands off her, but who am I to say that?

I don't even know if Sarah feels the same about the way I feel for her. Ever since I saw her that day during the game, I fell in love. She's the reason why I broke up with Hailey. I loved Hailey but not as much as I love Sarah now. I hate myself for being too slow. What if someone steals her away from me? What would I have left?

I park the car and head straight to the bar, I didn't want to look back anymore to see her face, because whenever I do, I just wanna grab her and kiss her. But I can't. We walk into the bar and Trevor nudges me. ''So what about the plan? Will it push through?'' he asks worried. ''I don't know man. I really don't know.'' I say taking a seat on the bar and asking the waiter for vodka on the rocks. I look back to see if Sarah was following me but she wasn't. I glanced around the room, trying to search for her but still no sign. I look to my right and found Adriana talking to Tyler near the billiards. I finish my drink and approach Adriana. ''Dri, where's Sarah?'' I ask her while placing my hand on her shoulder. ''Oh, i think she's still in the parking lot. I saw Lance stop her before she could get in.'' she says in the most practical voice. ''Why did he stop her?'' Tyler asks Adriana. ''I don't know. I went in before I could hear him speak.'' she says looking down. Trevor looks at me, he knows how I feel about Sarah and if Lance did anything to her, he knew it would cause chaos amongst friends. ''Dude, chill. Maybe they're just talking.'' Tyler says tapping my shoulder.


As we both lean in for a kiss, his lips gave life to mine. He had the most soft lips and when it touched mine, it felt so right. Kissing him was right. I knew for a fact I had these feelings for Xavier but, I don't know if he did too. Lance did, that's why things are certain and frank with him. We walk into the bar, hand in hand. I see Xavier talking to Adriana and Tyler who is leaning by the edge of the billiard table while Trevor's sitting on the bar, drinking alone. Lance kisses my cheek and goes to Trevor to join him. ''Not too much.'' I say. He nods. I go to Adriana and lean on her shoulder. ''Lance and I are together.'' I whisper. ''Aww, that's great.'' says Adriana. We both hug each other and smile. ''Hey guys.'' Lance says grabbing my waist and leaning on the edge of the billiards. ''What's this? You guys...?'' says Tyler looking at both me and Lance. ''Yep.'' Lance says while looking at me. He's smiling. Xavier taps Lance's shoulder. ''Great job.'' he says with a half smile. Adriana looks at her watch and then looks up. ''I gotta go, I have practice.'' she says making her way out. I wave and so does everyone else. Lance pulls me closer to him and kisses my cheek. He whispers, ''You're mine now.'' And all i could do was smile.


I drank a few drinks, but not too much that it'll get me wasted. Lance sits beside me and talks to me about some stuff. Nothing went in my head. He leaves and goes to Sarah. I see Adriana make her way out later and I knew it was her time to head to her studio to practice. She was a ballerina. After a few minutes, I wave to the gang that I'm leaving and decided to follow her. She gets into her car and stops after a few blocks. This is where she practices most of the time and where she goes when me and her fight. She goes up a few steps, opens the door and gets inside. I follow. She puts her bag down on the wooden floor and heads to this big room where she practices. She turns on the stereo and begins to dance. I'm behind the door across the mirror, waiting for the time I could talk to her. I love her, and she should never doubt that.


Text message from: Sarah

Adriana's at her dance studio.

I walk going to Adriana's studio. I think of what to say to her, of how I'm going to get her back. I see her car parked and get inside. The door is slightly open and I see her dancing. I take a deep breath and push the door slowly.

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