Movies and dinner.

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I wish i could freeze this very moment. How he came rushing when he saw me. How his hug felt like he never wanted to let go. This moment was perfect.

His arms were holding my waist, our eyes were staring exactly at each others and his face was so close to mine that i could hear his breathing. I've just noticed how beautiful are Xavier's eyes. They were light brown but had a Nutella swirl in it. I was so stunned on the color of his eyes and i forgot he was also staring into mine.

''Your eyes are beautiful, Sarah. I like it.'' he says letting go of his arms around my waist. I shake my head and regain my balance. I felt like i was falling. Literally. ''Yours are incredible. It's just amazing.'' i say combing my hair through my fingers. I fix my shirt and look up to see Xavier smiling. ''You know, you're just so cute.'' he says messing up my hair. Great. ''Thanks.'' i say messing up his. ''Let's go around, shall we?'' he says pushing my back. ''Wait.'' i look back to see where have Tyler and Eric gone. I see Tyler 's arm around Natalie. ''That was fast.'' Xavier comments. On the other side, i see Eric talking to some girls. They were Saige Evans and Cindy Ames. Saige and Cindy were the populars in another school. Man, did these boys get girls so fast.

''Looks like Tyler and Eric are a bit busy.'' says Xavier. ''Really busy.'' i say turning and walking straight ahead. Xavier takes hold of my hand. This stops me. ''I like what you're wearing.'' he says. ''You don't have to stop me to say that you know.'' i chuckle. He laughs. ''But you get away from me time to time.'' he says looking down. ''I'm sorry.'' i say putting my hand in his shoulder. I look at my watch. ''Hey you wanna catch a movie? It's just me and the twins. But i bet Tyler will bring Natalie and Eric with his girls.'' i smirk. ''Uhh sure.'' says Xavier. We take the stairs and head for the cinema theater.

As i was about to pay, Xavier moves my hand away from the counter and pays for two tickets. I punch his arm. ''You don't have to pay you know. It's not like a date or anything.'' i remark. ''Yeah i know. But i like to spend my money on pretty girls.'' he says smiling. I blush hopelessly. Me and Xavier head to the doors of the cinema and see the twins. Natalie was by Tyler's side. ''I hope you guys don't mind.'' he says. ''Nahh.'' Xavier says. ''Where's Saige and Cindy?'' i ask Eric who looks at the floor. ''Oh, Saige went with her boyfriend John Marks and Cindy had to go somewhere.'' Eric says. ''Oh.'' i say. Xavier opens the door and chooses the seats. Beside me were Xavier in the right and Tyler in the left. Eric was beside Xavier while Natalie was beside Tyler.

During the movie, Natalie leans on Tyler. I can't help but notice Xavier's hands which are trying to find something. As soon as his hands touch mine, he stops and holds it. I wish he'd never let it go but as soon as the movie ends he does. Eric yawns and looks at his watch. ''Who wants to grab some dinner?" he says while we go out the movie house. ''Sure!'' Xavier says and looks at me. I nod. ''What about you Natalie?'' Tyler asks Natalie who's fixing her hair. ''Oh sure.'' she says smiling.

At the dinner table, me, Natalie and Eric try to decide what to eat while Xavier and Tyler went to get something. ''I'll have this and this.'' says Natalie pointing out the names in the menu. The waiter writes down what we order and goes to the kitchen. ''So Natalie, how's your first day of summer?'' i ask. ''Just call me Alie, Sarah. Well, my summer's been great so far.'' she says. ''I heard Adrianna left?'' she asks while looking at me and Eric. ''Yeah.'' me and Eric both say.

Eric and Alie continued the conversation on explaining how Adrianna left. Across me was a girl with black hair. I had a sense that i knew this chick. When her spoon drops, i see half of her face. You wouldn't believe who i saw.

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