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When we arrived and exited the car, the camera flashes burst around us like fireworks. Rogue gently placed his hand in the small of my back and ushered me to move forward. My nervousness changed to exhilaration as we advanced through the dozens of reporters whose cameras continued to flash, almost blinding me. I staggered, and Rogue caught me, smiling down at me as if he meant it.

I didn't smile or bothered to look at the reporters when I knew it would be a waste of time. He controlled the media. I knew my pictures would not be plastered on the front pages or any page for that matter. I had a feeling I might even be photoshopped out of the picture.

Waiting inside the doors was a man who enthusiastically greeted Rogue with a few people who were equally anxious to speak him. Rogue wasn't kidding when he told me no one would be interested in me unless he introduced me to them, which the asshole didn't. I hang onto his arm like a shiny trophy, but it was better than putting on a pleasant smile and pretending I wasn't out with my kidnapper.

As we mingled, Rogue took two glasses of champagne from a passing server and handed one to me. I didn't decline, but I also didn't drink it. Rogue looked different with these people, chatty, charming, as he greeted and was greeted by people. His popularity didn't shock me. Many people wanted to talk to him, and he knew all their names. His social skills captivated me. This was probably what got everyone to love him. The face he put on with them was astounding. One couldn't tell the monster that hid behind the dazzling face.

"Beth." He smiled down at me as he set his hand on the bare skin of my lower back and a shock of awareness moved through me. I wondered if he felt what I felt. His lips brushed against my ear. "I'm going to leave you alone now. I have some business to take care of. Behave, and remember every action has consequences. It can be positive or negative. You choose which one you desire."

Pulling away, his hand dropped from my back as I watched him walk away with a man. They drifted through the crowd before I turned away from them. My eyes were glued to the exit door, and my heart sank when I saw eight security guards hovering around it. One of them even lifted his hand and waved at me. I knew they were his men, here to prevent me from escaping, and the wave meant they were here and watching me.


I was forced to hang around at the bar. When the bartender offered me a drink, I declined. But I asked him if he had a pen and a napkin. Excitement ran through me when he handed those things to me. I turned around to see if Rogue was keeping an eye on me, but he was engrossed in a conversation. Turning my back towards him, I started to write on the napkin and quickly stuffed it in my bra.

"Whatcha got there?"

I twisted around to see an elegant woman staring back at me with a secretive smile. She was exotic and a bit taller than me. Her chocolate skin was glistening under the lights, her lips were full, and her posture screamed confident and self-assured.

"Nothing," I quickly said, diverting my attention from her. Of course, someone had to see that. Did she work for Rogue? Did Rogue send her to me? Shit.

"Doesn't look like nothing," she pushed, moving closer to me. Her perfume was sweet and flowery, her gaze so sharp I could feel it cutting through my skin.

"Excuse me." I hurried to escape from her peering eyes, and when I walked past a server, I dropped the napkin on the tray.

Beth The Dumb strike again.

I kept my gaze on the server, walking beside him, but a few feet away. He passed drinks to the guests, but no one picked up the napkin. I thought my plan wasn't going to work, until I saw a middle-aged woman picked up her glass from the tray, then frowned before I saw her picking up the napkin.

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