Twenty One

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"Fucking hell!" Fallon shouted from her bedroom, and in seconds, I could hear her thudding footsteps, and then she appeared in the living room, where I was seated on the ground with a bucket of her ice cream in front of me. "I have nothing to wear for tonight!" She lifted two dresses for me to see while I licked at my spoon and stared back at her.

Tonight was the night the runway show was happening, and I had invited Fallon to it. We were five hours away from the show, and I wasn't sure I had something to wear either, but I knew I could always rob Hanna's closet. Not that I wanted to. I was making it my mission to look unattractive now.

"The blue's okay," I told her as I pointed at the dress in her left hand, and when she raised it higher for me to see, I frowned. "On the second thought, maybe you do need a new dress. You feel like going shopping?"

Fallon dropped her hands and walked over to me with slouched shoulders, sitting down on the couch I was leaning my back against. "Maybe, but I don't know. Do you need a new dress?"

"I can work with what I have."

"Are you not supposed to look hot for your delicious man?"

My head snapped up and I threw her a look. "Delicious?" My brows shot up and I scoffed. "If you mean West, then he's not sure if he can make it tonight. He has a case he's working on, so I don't think it matters what I look like tonight." I grabbed another scoop of ice cream and shoved it into my mouth.

Fallon was grinning from ear to ear when she answered, "You know what man I'm talking about, so don't you even dare pretend. West is great according to you, but do you like him? I know for a fact that he doesn't make your heart race the way Rogue does."

I was now regretting confiding in her. "West—"

"–Is not your boyfriend yet. He hasn't even asked you to be, thank god. I like West, but you don't need a man like him, Beth. He's simple and easy, and I doubt he makes your heart flutter. Imagine marrying him. What would your life be like?" I caught her eyes and she was still grinning. "Boring as hell. My grandma said if a man doesn't set your heart on fire, he's not worth keeping."

"That's why she's single," I retorted with a laugh.

Fallon kicked my shoulder with her leg. "Because she married a West and it didn't work out," she disclosed. "Moral of the story is, marry a man like Rogue."

"How did marriage enter this conversation, I wonder." I stretched my legs and wiggled my toes, adding, "I'm twenty-five, Fallon. Marriage is far away from my mind, stop scaring me."

"Didn't you say your best friend married at twenty-four?" I ignored her and she kicked me again. "How old is Rogue again? Do you think he will wait for you? He probably has an endless line of women after him, but he chose you. It's so cute, oh my god. Your ship name will be...." She waved her hand in the air. "Bogue."

I scrunched my nose. "Bogue?"

"You're right. That sounds like a disease." She stared into the distance, then suddenly jumped. "I got it! Reth," she announced with giddiness.

"That sounds like meth. No, thanks." I rose and took with me the ice cream, listening to Fallon's footsteps as she followed me into the kitchen. "Besides, Rogue hasn't landed me for you to be thinking of a ship name." I put the ice cream back into the fridge and turned around to find her standing behind me. I clasped my hand over her shoulder and said, "Why don't you think about....." I made the same air gesture that she made earlier. "Weth or Best." I walked past her.

"Please." She snorted. "You're sick. It won't ever happen," she called as I headed for the door and opened it. "I'm team Bogue."

"Bye, Fallon! Hashtag Weth!" I joked with a wave as I stepped outside her door.

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