Forty One

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It was a new morning.

A different kind of morning.

The sun was shinier than any other day, basking its rays on me. I woke up today, feeling a different kind of feeling. The one that speaks and tells you 'yeah, you're happy' and there was nothing that could diminish this. It's like any other day and yet, there was something about this Wednesday, knowing the importance of today.

I was finally going back home for the holidays and no one in my family or friends knew that. I had planned to surprise them, and by this time tomorrow, I would be with them. I haven't been home in a long time and I couldn't wait to see them. I couldn't wait to see Lauren. I couldn't wait to hug little Arden.

Dragging my bags out, I locked my flat while Fallon helped me with some of my bags. After dropping me off, she was planning to spend Thanksgiving with her mother, which I found impressive and a good step in their relationship. Her mother no longer controlled what she does and the two of them finally found a common ground. Hanna had left New York for California two days ago and she had called me this morning.

Erica met with me last night, and although she still found it uncomfortable to talk about West with me, I had to tell her there was nothing wrong with dating him. She admitted to me that she liked him and found it hard at first. If he hadn't pushed her and broke her walls, West wouldn't have been able to succeed. She told me they planned to spend Thanksgiving together. I was really happy with how things were going between them. I knew West would take care of her.

I had not spoken to Veronica or Pete ever since they left, but I heard Rogue received a text from Veronica, telling him they were okay. It wasn't a frequent update, but at least they eased his mind with the little texts he gets from them. They were still trying to keep some distance between us, and I had no idea why I was included in it. I wanted to know if they were doing alright. I wanted to know how they were coping and if Pete had any episodes. I knew Rogue was worried about that. He had always been there to protect Veronica from Pete, and now that he wasn't there, there was no one else to protect her. He didn't say it, but I knew he was tense about it. I was worried for her as well.

Fallon and I went downstairs to find Rogue's car in front. As soon as he saw us, he quickly got down from the car and took the bags from our hands, keeping them in the trunk. When he came back, he slid an arm around my shoulder and kissed my temple.

"Rogue, you've been clingy lately. How are you going to survive without her for a week?" Fallon joked as she stared at him, a trace of a smile at the corner of her mouth.

"I don't know." He offered her a shrug, stealing a glance at me. "If she can survive it, then I can survive it."

I grabbed her and gave her a quick, tight hug. "Love you, Fallon."

Startled, she stared at me. "Love you too. Call me as soon as you land."

Rogue opened the door for me and I got inside, waving at Fallon. As soon as he pulled out of our front building, excitement coursed through me. I couldn't remember the last time I was this excited, but I was finally going home. Rogue noticed the excitement on my face.

"Can you at least pretend you're sad to leave?"

I laughed, glancing at him. "I'm sorry, but I've missed home. I miss my friends."

"And what about me?" he dared to ask, looking at me from the corner of his eyes. One hand was holding the wheel and the other reached out to interlock our fingers together.

"You will live."

His chuckle was a deep rumble through his chest. "I take it you won't remember me when you're with your friends. I thought West was my rival, but who knew it would be your friends all along."

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