chapter thirty two

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"Times running out Clover..." Marvel taunts me for the millionth time. I throw yet another glare at him and attempt to elbow him. He dodges once again, chuckling at my failed attempts.

"Can someone please explain what they're talking about?" Peeta finally asks, probably after much confusion.

"Clove only has 15 minutes left to get another kill or, tonight, she has got to spend the entire evening with me and me alone". Marvel explains, shooting me a grin as I narrow my eyes at him.

"And if I get another kill, which I will-" I add with a pointed look at Marvel, "'Marvel has to be my servant indefinitely".

"Oh, face it Clove. There's no way you can get another kill in only 15 minutes. The arenas huge!" Marvel says with a smug expression on his face. I roll my eyes at him, shooting a glance over my shoulder.

Behind Peeta, Cato and Glimmer are both looking straight at Marvel and I. Cato's expression tells me that he's irritated about something, so I make a mental note to avoid him, if only to prevent any unnecessary arguments. Glimmer has a small smile on her face as she looks forwards. Although she is smiling, it's hard to tell how she's feeling. Her smile is unreadable.

I turn back around and stay as quiet as possible as I wait for the sounds of any nearby tribute. Marvel, of course, makes as much sound as he possibly can, kicking leaves and chattering non stop, demolishing my hopes of getting a third kill. 15minutes passes all too quickly.

"Ooh, tough luck Clover". Marvel says through pretend gritted teeth. I shoot him a glare before walking into the large clearing surrounding the Cornucopia. Marvel laughs from behind me and Glimmer joins in after a few seconds. I roll my eyes and drop my backback onto the ground in the entrance of the horn, before stepping inside. Only Cato and Peeta follow me inside, whilst Marvel and Glimmer sit on the grass, soaking up the first signs of sunlight.

After a few minutes of sorting through my knives, Cato says "So, are you really going to spend the night with Marvel?" I twist around in surprise that he even spoke to me, only to see Peeta is no longer here. I make eye contact briefly before shrugging and turning back to my knives. "A deal's a deal".

He sighs at that. "Don't you have a boyfriend?"
Now it's my turn to sigh. "I do. Tonight isn't going to be anything like what you think it is. He has absolutely nothing to worry about". I reply, sliding a knife into its holder.

I stop moving at that. Is he talking about what I think he's talking about? He wouldn't say anything, right? I turn to face him so fast I become dizzy, shooting him a warning look. This conversation is most definitely the one they are airing right now, and I can't have him accidentally letting something slip.

"Yes. Nothing". I repeat. He opens his mouth to speak and I shoot him the exact same look once more, making it very clear for him not to say anything. For a few seconds everything goes silent. Then he closes his mouth, turning away from me and grabbing an apple from the food pile. He turns back around, throwing me it. "You didn't eat a single thing all night. Please eat something". He says before walking out of the Cornucopia.

I internally sign in relief that he hadn't said anything as I watch him leave, before glancing down at the apple in my hand. Is this a sign of peace between us? Not friends, not enemies, certainly not lovers. But civil? He obviously cares for me atleast a little bit.

I sigh at my overthinking, taking a bite from the apple and moving to the cornucopia doorway. Outside, Marvel and Glimmer are sitting in the grass, exchanging conversation, and Cato is sitting against the side of the Cornucopia facing the rising sun. I look away from him quickly, before stepping into his direct line of view on my way over to Marvel and Glimmer.

"Hey". I say shortly as I sit down with them. They both respond with cheery hellos, too cheery for having had no sleep last night. I drop my head into my hands, which in turn makes them laugh.

I lift my head and glance over at them. "Where's Peeta?" I ask, suddenly realising I hadn't seen him since he'd left the Cornucopia.
"He's collecting wood". Glimmer responds, pointing over to the tree line. I nod as Peeta comes into view from behind a tree.

"He hasn't got long left". I state simply, turning back to Marvel and Glimmer. They both nod at this observation. "You two certainly gave him quite the task to complete". Marvel comments as he too turns to glance at Peeta. "Well he'd better complete it, and fast. I'm not the type to grow sentimental". I respond.

Glimmer clears her throat, standing up. "I'm gonna go check on Cato, see if he's okay". She says, offering us a small wave and walking off. I drop my gaze from her over to Cato who glanced up upon her arrival. She sits down next to him and the two begin talking quietly to one another. I sigh, running a hand through my hair as I look away from them.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2021 ⏰

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