chapter two

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Finally, the day has arrived. The day in which I can finally travel to the Capitol, win The Hunger Games and win the Girlfriend title.

I leave my hair down in its natural curls, falling over my shoulders. I put on a white, flowy dress, my favourite. I want to make an impression as soon as my face hits those screens.

Cali walks into the room i'm in and grins. "You look beautiful, Clove". She compliments and I laugh. "I want to impress the people in the Capitol, don't I?" I lean in until my mouth is at her ear. "I've heard the pretty ones get more sponsors". I whisper and she giggles.

"Lets go, we don't want to be late". I say, walking out the door. Immediately, I notice many of the younger people looking extremely nervous as they walk to the square. No reason to be, considering whoever it is who gets reaped is most definitely not going to the Capitol.

Straight away, I run through the other Districts in my head. Most likely, both tributes from District One will be volunteers, meaning they are well trained. The male from here will also be volunteer. District Four, some years they get volunteers and others they don't. The rest of the Districts will probably not be volunteers, especially the really far out ones like Eleven and Twelve. I laugh quietly, thinking about how easily I will take those tributes out.

I put my hand out for them to take a small sample of my blood. They scan the sample,
Carrow, Clove appearing on the screen. I walk away to join my age group, where some look nervous and others look completely fine.

I glance up at the stage as the past Victors take their places. I focus on Adler who is wearing a beautiful suit which compliments his brown hair and green eyes perfectly. We make eye contact and he offers me a quick wink before he takes his seat.

The square quiets down and Allegra walks onto the stage. She has on a ridiculous purple wig and a huge yellow dress that trails behind her as she walks to the microphone.

"Happy Hunger Games!" she yells cheerfully, "And may the odds be ever in your favor". Some people clap after she says this. A video plays on the huge screen, which talks about the Dark Days and why we celebrate The Games.

Eventually it ends and everyone's attention falls back on Allegra. "That just beautiful, isn't it? As always, ladies first". Her high heels tapping as she walks over to the bowl are the only sound in the whole of the District. She picks up two slips before dropping one back into the bowl.

She makes her way back to the microphone and opens the slip. "Carolette Blight!"
"I volunteer as tribute!" I yell, stepping out of the rows of people and confidently striding forward. "Brilliant!" Allegra yells into the microphone. The girl who's name was reaped glares at me as I glide past her and up the stairs.

I also receive a few horrible looks from the 18 year old girls. This was their last year they could volunteer. I just smirk at them.

"What's your name, dear?" she asks when I reach her. "Clove Carrow". I say clearly into the microphone. I smirk as I look down at the crowds of people.

"Clove Carrow, the female tribute from District Two!" Allegra exclaims and the district erupts into cheers.

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