chapter eight

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"Tributes! Time to get up! You have an exciting day ahead of you!" I hear Allegra yell from outside my room. I sit up, very well rested. This bed is so comfortable, I didn't wake up at all during the night.

I change into the same clothes I wore yesterday and brush out my hair so it flows prettily down my back. Once i'm completely ready, I walk out of my room at the same time Cato leaves his.

"Good morning". He says as I turn to shut my bedroom door. I glance over at him as I do so.
"Morning". I say simply, turning on my heel and walking down a narrow corridor.

I can't get too close to him, otherwise I could be putting my life on the line. Then, that would mean I volunteered for nothing. And my life is just another one wasted. I have to make it clear that I am fully in the Career mindset and befriending me would be a mistake.

The narrow corridor leads back into the dining area we ate dinner in yesterday. We sit down at the table with Brutus, Enobaria and Allegra.
Allegra grins at us in excitement as we sit.

"Listen up you two! Today is one of the most important days of your week in the Capitol. Today is when the sponsors will see you for the first time and will decide whether they want to invest money into you. How you act today could potentially settle your outcome in The Games".

"How should we act?" I ask the mentors, crossing my arms.
"Smile a lot, wave to the crowds, make them feel included. This will make them believe they are personal friends of yours and, hence, they will want to sponsor you. Got it?"
We both nod. It shouldn't be too hard to pull off.

Allegra gasps. "We have reached The Capitol!" she exclaims, rushing us over to the large window. The train zooms down the tracks as Cato and I stare in amazement at the beautiful buildings standing tall, glittering in the sunlight.

The train slows down as we pull into the Capitol Railway Station. It goes dark for a moment before revealing crowds and crowds of Capitol citizens, waiting to get a glimpse of this year's Hunger Games Tributes.

As our train passes by, they all go crazy. I start to wave out of the window, the classic Career smirk on my face that I heard these people love. Cato joins me as I do so. The train comes to a halt and a few peacekeepers back the crowd up a little so they can't mob us.

"Okay you two, big smiles on your faces now!" Allegra exclaims, leading is to the doors. I make sure my face is the epitome of a Career as the door opens wide and these people get their first clear view of me.

We step out of the train, Allegra leading the way and Brutus and Enobaria standing behind us. As we step out, we are greeted by a man the Capitol assigned to welcome to tributes.

"Welcome, District Two," he says looking at us, before he turns to Allegra, Brutus and Enobaria. "You're the third train in".
"What other Districts are here?" Enobaria asks.
"One and Five," He replies, "Just got word that Eleven is right behind you".
"We'd better be off then, leave room for them to arrive!" Allegra says, taking our arms and leading us through the crowd.

Cato and I have been instructed to keep to ourselves and not to speak with the Capitol Citizens because we are on a tight schedule. But Brutus and Enobaria are darlings of the Capitol and are often stopped for photos, autographs or just to catch up with a Capitol friend.

We eventually make it inside of the building and are led to a room with many metal tables, each tables surrounded by curtains.
"This is where you will be made perfect!" Allegra tells us, leading us over to a woman tapping away at a machine.

"District Two Tributes!" Allegra announces, representing us to this woman like we're royalty. "Great!" She says with a smile, before resuming tapping away at the machine.

"Miss Carrow, you will be here with your prep team," Shd leads me over to one of the tables, "And Mr Hadley, you will be over here!" She leads him to a table across the room.
He grins at me. "See you on the flip side". He says with a laugh, before strolling off. I smile as he walks away.

Clato: Fire Meets Gasoline {A Hunger Games Story}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon