chapter one

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I throw the knife with full force at the dummy, watching as it slices straight through its heart.
I take a few steps back and do the same again. It hits it straight in the head. I smirk. I'm the girl that never misses.

The reaping is tomorrow and my plan is to volunteer. This is what I've been trained for, to kill and bring pride to my District, District Two. I'll be sure to win, no doubt in my mind. All the trainers here at the academy are rooting for me. This is my year.

I remove the knives from the dummy as someone else approaches the knife throwing station. "Clove!" They greet me. I whip around and come face to face with my little sister, Cali.

She is 12 and is also skilled in knife throwing. She hopes to win next years Quarter Quell with my help, which i'm happy to do for it'll only gain me more attention in the Capitol. She would defame Finnick Odair as the youngest Victor and it would all be because of me.

"Hi Cali". I quickly respond before whipping back round incredibly quickly and sending a knife straight into the dummy's heart.
"Wow, I can't wait to watch you in The Games, Clove. You're definitely going to win".
I smirk. "I already know. I can't wait to get in there and kill an actual person, and not just these dummies". I motion to the battered dummy i've been practicing on.

"I wonder who the boy from Two will be". Cali says. "Hopefully not someone I actually like". I say, looking around at the other people doing various different activities. "Come on, let's get out of here". I say, placing the selection of knives down on the table.


"I'll meet you at home, Cali, there's something i've gotta do really quickly". I tell her as we walk down the street. "Okay, i'll see you there". She responds, turning right onto our street. I continue walking straight ahead, before taking a left turn into Victor's Village.

Many of the houses in the Village are occupied, since District Two produces so many Victors. I make my way down the street until I reach my destination. I knock on the door of the house and take a few steps back.

A few seconds later, the door flies open, revealing Mrs Branson. "Oh, Clove, it's you".
Mrs Branson has never been my biggest fan. I don't think she really likes anybody who isn't living in the Village, for she thinks she's better than them all, even though she personally never won the Games.

"Hi Mrs Branson," I say in a sickly sweet voice that i'm sure she can tell is fake, "Is Adler home?"

"He's in the sitting room". She says shortly, stepping aside to let me pass by. I walk into the mansion and head in that direction. As I move through it, I can't help but admire the beauty and majesty of the place, just like I do every time i'm here. The Capitol didn't hold back on these houses.

I walk into the sitting room to see Adler on the sofa, watching something on the tv. He glances in my direction as I walk into the room. "Clove!" He exclaims, standing up and moving in my direction. Before I can say a word, his lips are on mine and I can't help but kiss him back. We stay this way for a few seconds before I pull away and take a step back. He smirks at me and pulls me towards the sofa where we both take a seat.

"So, why'd you stop by?" He asks, looking back over at the tv. "Well, I just wanted to spend a little time with you before I head off to the Capitol tomorrow". I explain to which he nods in response.

"It'll all be worth it when you return a Victor. Imagine the fame and power we will hold when we are back-to-back Victors as well as lovers. We'll be all the Capitol can talk about for years". He says with that signature smirk of his that makes all the girls crazy.

Okay, so maybe a large part of why i'm volunteering is for Adler Branson, 17 year old Victor of the 73rd Games. Around half a year ago, after he returned from his Victory Tour, he told me that I was the prettiest girl in the Academy and when I became a Victor like him, he wanted us to be together.

Everyone in Two knows we're 'involved' but he says that we can only be boyfriend and girlfriend once I am a Victor. He is the one who suggested volunteering for the 74th Games and of course I agreed. I love him and he loves me.

"I can't wait". I tell him with a small smile. I could lie and say that this whole power and fame thing doesn't excite me, but it does.

"When do you have to be home?" He asks. "Around Five". I respond. "Well, I intend to use that hour wisely". He says with a smirk and, within seconds, his lips connect with mine.

I watch Clove with interest as she throws the knives with ease, never missing.
Her and I have never spoken, but I know exactly who she is. Clove Carrow, 15 years old, master at throwing knives, which could come in very useful if she's ever reaped.

This year, my plan is to volunteer for the male tribute who is reaped. That way, I will win easily, and when I return, I will be living in Victors' Village. I'll be famous across Panem and Clove will see my face everywhere she looks. That's how I will get her to notice me.

The only problem is, Clove has a boyfriend. Well, less of a 'boyfriend' and more of an asshole who only likes her for her looks. Of course there's no way to be sure, but i'm almost certain Clove doesn't have any real feelings for him. Or, atleast, that's what I hope.

I watch as her and her sister leave the Academy. It's better that she's gone. Now I can focus on last minute training before I volunteer tomorrow, instead of thinking about her. I need to stop thinking about her.

As if that's possible.

I pick up a spear and throw it from a startling distance away, watching as it pierces through the dummy's heart.

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