chapter twenty two

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The ground floor of the tribute centre is quiet, considering everyone but Marvel, Glimmer and I are at the training centre. The only sound is the tapping of my shoes against the hard floor.

I enter the elevator and press the button for District Two. The door shuts and the elevator shoots up towards my floor.

As soon as I step off, i'm surrounded by Brutus, Enobaria and Allegra.
"Clove! How did it go?" Enobaria questions as I move further into the floor. I turn back around to face her.

"Let's just say it was...unforgettable". I respond, giving her a look. Her face breaks out into a grin and Brutus looks slightly confused behind her. Allegra claps enthusiastically, not because she knows what I mean, but because the whole Hunger Games thing is so exciting for her.

"Oh my! I'm so excited for the Games! You and Cato will be such great entertainment!" Allegra exclaims before pottering off. I'm not sure whether she thinks us killing people will be great entertainment or whether our deaths will be great entertainment. It doesn't matter. I don't plan on dying.

"What exactly did you do in there?" Brutus asks. "Well, I threw a couple of knives at the targets, each hitting the centre perfectly of course. Then I climbed up the ropes then somersaulted off of them and threw my last knife at the last target, which hit the centre". I explain briefly. Brutus and Enobaria stare at me in shock.

"Sounds good, kid". Brutus says before walking out of the room.
"That's brilliant, Clove. Scores will be airing in a few hours so until then, you have free time". She gives me one last smile before leaving the room.

Just as i'm about to go to my room, the elevator doors open and Cato steps out.
"Oh hey, how did it go?" I ask Cato as he approaches. He smirks at me. "Incredibly. You?" I smirk back at him, leaning against the wall and crossing my arms. "Spectacularly".

He walks over to me, putting his hand on the wall, pushing his body away from it. I tilt my head up to look at him. God, he is so much taller than I am.

"I'm sure it did". He says, barely audible. A breath hitches in my throat. This is the first time that i've been truly intimidated by Cato. So why am I so drawn in-

Allegra walks back into the room and catches sight of us. "Cato is back!" she calls cheerily through to another room, before making her way over to us.

I take a few steps away from him and he takes his hand off the wall, standing up straight. Brutus and Enobaria enter the room again, making a bee line for him, just like they did me.

They swarm him but he continues to look at me. I give him a slight wave before turning on my heel and leaving the room .


"Clove, the scores are airing!" Allegra calls from outside my door.
"I'll be right out!" I yell back, standing up from my bed and unlocking the door.

When I enter the room, everyone is here but me. Brutus and Cato are on the smaller sofa of the two, and Enobaria and Allegra are on the other, leaving space for me to sit.

Once we're all settled, Enobaria turns the tv on and Caesar Flickerman's face appears on the screen. He gives a recap of what the tributes have been up to this week.

I zone out, my eyes flicking over to where Cato is sitting. I'm surprised to see he is already looking at me. A small smile appears on his face as we make eye contact. I duck my head and drop my gaze to the floor, before looking back up at the tv.

Marvel's face appears on the screen first, and he gets a nine. I mentally congratulate him for his score. Then Glimmer is up and she gets an eight. Career Tributes usually range from 8-10 so Career wise, it's a good score.

Cato's face lights up the screen and everyone in the room goes quiet.
"Cato Hadley, with a score of ten". Caesar says and the whole room erupts. Brutus slaps him on the back as Enobaria and I call over our congratulations. Allegra breaks into a smattering applause.

"Clove Carrow," Caesar says. I turn back towards the screen and see my face. Enobaria shushes everyone and I stare at the screen.
"with a score of...ten".

A second round of celebration takes over the room. Enobaria side hugs me and Allegra screeches her congratulations. Brutus offers me a smile and a thumbs up. Cato grins at me.

"We both got tens, Clove!" He yells over the celebration of the others.
"Exactly what I was expecting!" I say with a smirk, trying to act smug, but a grin breaks out on my face.

Everyone settles back down into their seats as the scoring continues. The scores for the rest of the tributes, as expected, aren't very high. The Girl from Eleven, Rue, surprising got a seven, which is high for a twelve year old. Her district partner, Thresh, got a ten, the same as Cato and I.

The boy from Twelve, Peeta, gets an eight, the same score as Glimmer. I narrow my eyes in slight confusion but shake it off as sheer luck. Twelve never get over five so there can't be any other explanation.

"And finally, Katniss Everdeen," Caesar starts and The Girl on Fire's face appears on the screen. "With a score of," There is a slight pause as a look of confusion flashes on Caesar's face, "Eleven".

The whole room erupts for a third time, but this time for a completely different reason.

Clato: Fire Meets Gasoline {A Hunger Games Story}Where stories live. Discover now