chapter thirty one

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I vigorously rub two sticks against eachother in an attempt to get the fire going, but to no avail. Perhaps I should have spent more time focusing on survival in training rather than intimidating the others.

"Need some help?" Someone says from above me. I glance up and am met with Peeta looking down skeptically at my method. I sigh, shoving the firewood away from me. "Please".
He kneels down and lays a stone in the grass, before rubbing a stick against it.

"So, whats District Two like?" He says after a few moments of silence. My gaze lifts from his hands to his face as he speaks. "It's nice, I suppose," I respond, before remembering I have a career facade to keep up, "It's superior to Twelve in more ways than one". I add, turning my gaze back to the fire.

He doesn't respond immediately, but wears a small smile as he continues to create the fire. "That's true, if you're meaning in terms of the Games. I can guarantee Twelve are the nicer group of people".

"Too bad 'nice' won't win you the Games". I mutter in response. His face forms into an amused smile. "No," He starts, followed by a flame sparking. He picks up a few blocks of fire woods and throws it onto the flame, causing it to rise, " I suppose it won't". He says, before walking away.

I sit in silence as he goes, staring at the fire. I worked so hard to get here and I was so excited to come here. At this moment in time, there's a million places i'd rather be than trapped in this Arena.

I suppose it's my own fault. I volunteered for these Games with the intention of winning. But how was I to predict what happened between me and Cato? And even if Cato wasn't here with me, i'd still be facing off against Marvel, my friend, and even the thought of having to kill Glimmer is one I can't quite comprehend.

I sigh, standing up and dusting off my clothes. Now is not the time to second guess myself.

Outside of the Cornucopia, leaning against it, is Marvel and Glimmer. They both seem to be quite deep in thought as they quietly murmur things to one another back and forth.

As I approach them, they both glance in my direction and almost immediately have smiles on their faces. I frown at how quickly everything about their demeanours changed.
"Clover, we're leaving in 5 minutes, so go fetch your knives". Marvel says with a smile. I nod at him, still slightly suspicious, before walking into the Cornucopia.

Inside, Peeta stands by the large variety of weapons, testing a few daggers. On the opposite side of the cornucopia, Cato is leaning against the metal wall and wiping away blood from his sword. As soon as we make eye contact, I look away, not in the mood for a fight. I walk over to the weapons where Peeta is and pick up my knife vest, quickly making sure they are all still in their slots.

Without a further glance at either of the two boys, I walk out of the Cornucopia.


"Can we finally go now?" Marvel asks, just as Peeta walks out of the Cornucopia with his chosen dagger. "Yes, let's go". Glimmer responds before walking towards the tree line. Cato follows after her, followed by Marvel, Peeta and I.

"Remember everyone, only kill two people". Marvel announces to the group. I narrow my eyes at him as he smirks back at me.
"I personally believe three is the perfect number". I respond with a pointed look. This earns a laugh from Glimmer, whilst Peeta looks on at the interaction with confusion. Cato says nothing, looking straight ahead as we all walk through the forest.

A few minutes into our journey, the light in the arena noticeably dims to darkness. I pull on my night vision glasses, as do the others, and we continue on in silence as everyone tries to listen out for signs of a nearby tribute.

I glance up at the dark sky on my right and almost start laughing. How stupid could one person be?

I reach over and put my arm in front of Marvel and Peeta to stop them from walking. They glance at me and I point over at the smoke forming in the sky close by. Marvel's face breaks out into a grin at the finding whereas Peeta looks slightly uneasy as he looks between us and the smoke.

Glimmer and Cato stop walking a few seconds after we do, no longer being able to hear our footsteps behind them.
"What are you doi-". Cato begins but is cut off when Marvel and I glare at him and put a finger over our lips. Marvel points them over in the direction of the smoke and this causes them both to smile.

We begin to make our way through the trees towards the source of the fire. A girl sitting on the ground comes into view, her back turned to us. I smirk at the thought of being able to kill this girl who seemingly has no idea what's coming to her.

We all form a line behind her, Peeta standing a few steps behind me. I deliberately stand on a tree branch, causing a loud snap to ring through the air. The girl turns almost immediately, fear evident on her face.

Just as I reach for my knife, I notice Cato handing Glimmer a sword. I narrow my eyes at the interaction, but don't say anything. Glimmer takes a step forward, towards the girl. "P-please don't k-kill me!" The girl stammers. She tries to stand up but her legs fail her.

Glimmer laughs in response, before driving the sword through her stomach. A few seconds later, the cannon fires. Glimmer pulls the sword out of her, disgust on her face at the amount of blood covering it.

"Good job Glim". Marvel says with a laugh as Glimmer hands the sword back to Cato, who looks at her with amusement. "Thanks". She responds, shooting Marvel a grin over her shoulder as the sword is taken from her.

"We have to go now so they can collect her body". I say, causing everyone to turn to look at me. Marvel nods in agreement, offering Glimmer a parting grin, before following after me. Peeta falls in behind Marvel, and Glimmer and Cato trail behind him.

As we walk through the trees, I hear Glimmer mocking the girl she just killed from a few people behind me, and Cato laughs along with her. I roll my eyes at the sound of it and continue storming through the forest, slashing at branches with my knife.

Approximately 10 minutes later, everyone is quiet as we walk through the darkened forest. Cato and Glimmer seem to have separated, for instead of Marvel being right behind me now, it's Cato, and Marvel walks with Glimmer in the back, Peeta slightly ahead of the pair.

The unmistakeable sound of a cough sounds from ahead of me. From behind me, I hear the sound of a sword being pulled out from a sheath. I whip around with a glare on my face as I stare down Cato. "My kill".

He meets my gaze with a similar glare on his own face. Before he can say a word to me, I turn back around and head in the direction of the voice. Leaning against a tree is the girl from Four. When she sees me, she leaps to her feet with an alarmed expression on her face.

However, she doesn't attempt to run away. She looks between my face and the knife in my hand. "I'm from a career district. I was also born to fight, to kill. I could be an asset". She says, her voice wavering slightly, but also relatively calm for her predicament. I smirk at her words, tilting my head as I pretend to consider her words.

After a few seconds, I nod at her, lowering my knife. "Okay. Welcome to the Careers". I say, impressing myself at how well I am able to lie. "Really?" She asks in disbelief, her eyes wide. I nod once again in response. Her face immediately changes into a relieved expression and she lets her eyes drop to the ground.

Big mistake.

As soon as her eyes are no longer on me, I tackle her to the ground, pinning her down with my legs. She cries out in pain and I only laugh at how easily I manipulated her.

"Goodbye, District Four". I say in a voice so hauntingly sickly sweet, before I drive the knife into her heart. The cannon rings out immediately and I sit back, looking down at my latest kill.

9 more to go.

Clato: Fire Meets Gasoline {A Hunger Games Story}Where stories live. Discover now