chapter twenty nine

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As soon as the blast rings out, I sprint as fast as I am able to do. Within seconds, I run into the mouth of the cornucopia, immediately dropping onto the grass where the knives are.

I pick up the knife laying on top of the bag, looking to my right. A boy is approaching me, fast. I throw the knife at him without a second thought and he drops to the ground, dead.

And the first kill goes to Clove.

I glance back down at the bag and inside their is a pile of atleast a dozen knives. Nearby, there is a knife vest, which was obviously meant for me. I quickly throw a glance each way to ensure nobody is approaching me before quickly transferring the knives into the vest slots.

As soon as i'm finished, I throw the vest on, standing up swiftly. On the opposite side of the cornucopia, Marvel is brutally stabbing a girl. I smirk, taking a step outside of the cornucopia. It's time to do what I came here for.

My eyes assess the situation. Glimmer is stabbing a boy with a dagger, Cato is swinging his sword at a boy. In the area, multiple bodies lay dead. I turn my head slightly and spot Fire Girl sprinting across the grass. I smirk as I run towards her. Twelve, you're going down.

I approach her as she grabs hold of a small yellow bag, before running towards the trees. She doesn't make it far, before she trips, and suddenly a boy is standing in front of her, about to take her out.

I don't think so.

I grab one of my knives and launch it straight into the boys back. He falls to the ground in front of Katniss and she looks around, shocked. Her eyes land on me, just as the knife leaves my hand.

At the last moment, she pulls her bag up to her face, protecting her. I glare at her before making a run towards her. Her face becomes alarmed as she stands up and makes a run for the woods.

Should I run after her, or get a few more kills in by the cornucopia? After a few seconds, I decide to let her go, for now. I run back to the cornucopia, where things are still pretty active.

The other Careers are slaughtering everyone else alive by the mouth of the cornucopia.
I sprint round to the back of the Cornucopia, where a few tributes are grabbing onto bags, believing they are away from the Careers watchful eyes.

A girl looks up quickly and her eyes land on me. She starts to scream, but my knife is already lodged into her throat. One boy, who had heard the beginning of her scream, has already fled, but one still remains, his back to me.

I walk over to him and the sound of my footsteps makes him turn around. His face contorts in fear as he realises its a Career and he attempts to run. I let out a malicious laugh as he gets further away.

"Just so you know, I can throw a knife from over 80 feet away," I yell after him with a laugh, before lifting my knife and launching it at him. Within seconds, he's on the ground.

I smirk at my kills, before running back round to the front of the Cornucopia. Inside, Glimmer is grabbing onto a bow and a few arrows, but she is knocked to the ground by a boy. I quickly pull out a knife, ready to launch it at him. But Cato reaches him first, slashing him with his sword, before helping Glimmer up.

I sigh, quickly looking away. There are more important things to be focused on right now.

I watch as Marvel, who is on the opposite side of the field than me, launches a spear through the air. Within seconds it cuts straight through a girls body. I glance over at the Cornucopia, where Cato is walking towards. As he nears it, a boy, the boy from Four, attempts to make an escape, but, unfortunately for him, Cato finishes him off straight away.

I scan the area, noticing that there is no longer anybody running around, marking the end of the bloodbath. I slowly walk around the field, pulling out knives from the bodies and placing them back into my vest, before making my way to where Glimmer is standing with Marvel.

"Quite a bloodbath, huh". I say with a slight smirk as I walk over to them, sliding the knife in my hand into my vest. Glimmer glances up at me with a laugh. "The Capitol will have loved that".

I shoot a glance over at Cato as he approaches us. We make eye contact for a few seconds, before I force my gaze back to Marvel and Glimmer, clearing my throat.

"How many are dead?" I ask, trying to distract myself from Cato as he makes his way over.
"12". Marvel responds, wiping the blood off of his spear with his jacket.
"11 more to go". Cato says, walking up beside us. I fight to keep my eyes straight ahead.
"Maybe we should clear out, you know, let the Capitol pick them up before we set up camp". Glimmer suggests.

Marvel nods in agreement, and we all turn in the direction of the forest. Before I can even take a step, Cato comes up beside me, avoiding eye contact. You missed one". He says shortly, holding out a knife to me. I slowly take it from his hand as he continues to not look at me.
"Thank you". I mutter quietly, sliding it into my vest. He nods, before turning and walking towards the forest.

I stand still for a moment, watching him go. I knew being in the arena with him would be hard, but 'hard' was certainly an understatement.


My gaze shoots away from Cato, landing on an approaching Marvel. "You okay?"
I nod, attempting to plaster on my best Career smirk. "I'm great, why wouldn't I be?"
Without another word spoken, I walk in the direction of the forest, while Cato and Glimmer reach the treeline. I hear Marvel's footsteps as he catches up, falling in beside me.

We don't go far, but for the duration of the journey, I stare straight down at the ground, emotionless. Every once in a while, Marvel says something humorous and I offer a simple smile. But all I can think about is the heartbreak deep within Cato's eyes when I left him on the roof, alone.

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