chapter thirty

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"So, whats the plan for tonight?" Marvel asks as he pulls out various items from a small red bag and lays them on the grass beside him. "Tribute hunting?" Glimmer calls back from the inside of the Cornucopia, where she lays out four sleeping bags in a row. "We should leave at sunset," Cato adds from next to her as he sorts through the weaponry, "That way we will be able to spot fires".

"Hey Clover, care to bet on how many tributes we kill tonight?" I glance up from the four small bags, one for each Career, i've been tasked with sorting, my gaze landing on Marvel. "And what do you get if you win? I didn't exactly bring anything bet worthy into the arena". I remind him, shooting him a look. He grins, focusing his gaze on me. "Just your company for one night will be enough".

I sit back a little, slightly taken by surprise but trying not to show it. I shoot a glance over at Cato who is now staring straight at Marvel. Forcing myself to look away, I narrow my eyes at Marvel, a smirk forming on my face. "Hm, i'm not sure how my boyfriend would feel about that".
He only laughs at that. "It only becomes something if he makes it something". He responds. I consider this for a moment.
"And if I win," I start, "You will be my servant indefinitely".

"Deal," He says, flashing me a grin, "I bet we kill two". He gestured at me to give an answer. "And I think three". I say with a confident smile. He grins before standing, a few colourful bags in hand, and walking into the cornucopia. I look back down at the four finished bags, zipping them all up before following him in.

"Is it safe to leave all of this here tonight?" Glimmer asks, looking around skeptically.
"The other tributes will keep away if they think that we'll be here". Marvel responds.
"I don't know about you guys, but it's getting a little cold," Glimmer starts, "So im going to get some fire wood from the forest".

Cato nods, and Marvel tells her to stay safe. I don't say anything as she walks out of the cornucopia, before quickly realising that she's leaving me alone with Cato and Marvel. She's only been gone for 10 seconds, and I can already cut the tension with one of my knives.

"Glimmer, wait up, i'll come with you!" I yell after her, throwing my knife vest back on. I don't wait for the guys to say anything before running across the grass to catch up with her. Sure, Glimmer's company isn't exactly ideal, but it's my best option right now.

We walk through the forest, Glimmer talking about how exciting the Games have been so far while I just nod along, still slightly distracted by the whole Cato situation. Clove, you owe him nothing. Stop thinking about him, it's not your fault there can only be one winne-

"Clove? You okay?" Glimmer asks, looking over at me. I take a breath, shaking the thoughts out of head, before returning her gaze. "Yeah, sorry, I just got distracte-"

A noise of crunching leaves cuts me off. I immediately pull out a knife from the vest and turn in the direction of the sound, ready to throw at whoever is there.

The boy from District Twelve, Peeta, stands 15 feet away from us, his blue eyes on mine. I lift the knife, preparing to throw. "Wait! I have a proposal for you". He says before I release it. Well, this is is interesting. I narrow my eyes at him, not lowering my knife. "And what would that be?" I ask menacingly while Glimmer stares him down from my right.

"If you let me join your alliance, i'll lead you to Katniss". He responds, determination in his voice. Fire Girl? I'd give anything to throw my knife into that pretty little skull of hers. I lower the knife, considering the offer. I share a look with Glimmer, who also looks to be interested in the offer. Eventually, I nod, sliding the knife back into the vest and we both walk over to him.

"Let's discuss the terms". I say, narrowing my eyes at him. He looks over at me, confused. "The terms?" He asks. "If you don't lead us to her by tomorrow night, we'll kill you". Glimmer says. I carefully watch his reaction to that, but he doesn't so much as wince. "Deal".

I smile a not-so-friendly smile at him. "Now that you're here, you can help us get firewood". I tell him, giving him a small push to get him moving. He obliges, leaning down to pick up the wood from the forest floor. Glimmer and I do the same until, between the three of us, we have enough firewood for a few days.

As we walk back towards the cornucopia, Glimmer asks Peeta about his interview and why, if what he said was true, would he help us find her. He tells us that everything he said was fake and he only said it to give Katniss a false sense of security. I can't help but admire the technique, but just by looking at him you can tell he's nice, innocent, nothing like us Careers. While Glimmer soaks up everything he says, I can't help but be skeptical of every word that comes out of his mouth.

But it doesn't matter. If we find out he played us after all, we kill him. No harm, no foul.

We drop the firewood in the entrance of the Cornucopia, before stepping inside. The guys both turn in our direction, but their expressions go cold when they see we brought a visitor. Cato lifts his sword, preparing to slash Peeta's throat, but stops when I move to stand in front of him.

"What's all this?" Marvel asks with an icy voice, so different to what he usually sounds like.
"Why is Twelve here". Cato practically growls, glaring at me. "Peeta is going to lead us to Katniss". I explain, my voice cold as I speak.
"He has until tomorrow night and, if he fails to do so, we kill him". Glimmer adds with a shrug.

Cato's angry eyes move from Glimmer back to me. I cross my arms, looking straight back at him. "Is there a problem here?" I question.
"I didn't approve you bringing another member in without asking me first". Cato responds, his eyes like ice. "Who put you in charge!" I throw back at him, turning to face Glimmer. "Lay out another sleeping bag for him". I tell her, before pushing past Peeta and leaving the Cornucopia.

Clato: Fire Meets Gasoline {A Hunger Games Story}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant