A Final Note.

293 16 10

So. Guys. It's time.

This story's going to end. I need to end it. I mean, the chapters are getting stupid and there's too many parts. Plus I'm not very fond of this book, as it's gone totally downhill, yeah? 

I really am sorry but I hope you understand. This is a final note, and I've got to say THANK YOU SO SO SO SO MUCH<3 to anyone who read. I remember when I got like 1000 reads and my heart just jolted, so hopefully you guys can have the same experience on Wattpad like I did.

Of course I'm still gonna be on Wattpad.

And hey- if you're gonna miss me, feel free to write on my message board, give me an inbox, or even check out my other books;) ~

Like, I really love you <3 ~~~~~~

I mean, unless you've got any suggestions (which I almost never get anymore and it's v annoying when you all don't comment like smh)

Even if I won't end this, it will be rarely updated bc I'm just so

xx izabel

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