Chapter 1

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"Baby Baby Baby OHHHHHH," was the first thing I heard when I came to in the morning.

Looking at the clock situated next to my bed, it was only 5:00 in the morning. I was supposed to get up at six! Who the hell wanted to disturb my sleep?

I groaned tiredly, and rolled out of bed. After scuffling around my apartment for a while, I managed to find my phone and groggily answered with a, "Yes?"

"Oh honey," the caller said, and I immediately knew it was my mother.

"What to you want," I asked sharply. "I have a day off today. Don't tell me dad wants me to overtime."

"No. You father just wants you to come home for today. We are going to go meet one of his good friends and have lunch with them! I want you to wear something nice for once. Not those scraps that you call clothes. I mean real clothes like mine." she answered. Then, she hung up.

Of course. It was typical of my father to have lunch with his "friends" and not even care about what I had to say. I could only say yes.

Why didn't I have any choice?

Well you see, my father owns a pretty successful business (which explains my mother's snobbish attitude) and I'm supposed to inherit it. I work at his business as his "assistant" so I can start practicing my business skills. Unfortunately, having lunch with his "friends" was included.

I sighed, and trudged to my bathroom and looked into the mirror. I cringed away in disgust. I was never a morning person, and my appearence also added to that. My hair stuck out everywhere and with every movement I made, it waved hello to me.

After freshening up and feeling a bit better, it was 5:30. Grabbing a doughnut from the counter, I exited my apartment and made my way to central park where I could enjoy a few more hours before being tortured by the boring prescence of my parents and their lunch.

New York was amazing in the morning.

I was kicking stones aimlessly when BAM!

I crashed into someone who was looking at their phone and speedwalking. I tumbled onto the ground, and fell onto my butt.

Whoever it was didn't even say sorry, and I got mad.

"Hey you!" I yelled.

The person turned around and my heart skipped a beat. He was undoubteldy the hottest guy I'd ever seen. He had dark brown hair that was slightly rumpled from our collision. His eyes were grey and stony and I almost mistook him for a model.

"What," he said in an irritated tone.

That made me even madder. "You should watch where your going," I angrily told him.

"No you should!" he countered, just as pissed.

"You're the one who's at fault."

"You should have been looking, too."

"Well you shouldn't be on your phone."

"Well you should be looking up."

"You're not supposed to text when your walking."

"That's only for driving."

"Shut up."

He smirked, and I glared at him. Then, he suddenly got mad. "You're wasting my time b!tch." he said. "If it's a homeless shelter you're looking for, there's one a few blocks away."

And then the moron left.

I was so mad that I saw red. Homeless shelter? Really? I wasn't even dressed that badly. On an impulse, I ran towards the retreating figure and jumped on him as I whacked his head multiple times. To my satisfaction, I heard him groan in pain.

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