Chapter 15

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I looked at them expectantly, waiting for them to tell me their magnificent and "parfait" idea. However, nothing came, and I raised an eyebrow.

"So...?" I hinted, waiting for a response.

"We'll tell you later," Mariah waved off. "Do you have any Takis?" And she promptly left to hunt for more snacks in my refrigerator and food cabinets. Aceline hurried after her and when I glanced at Shauntey, she just shrugged and followed them to get food.

I didn't know if I should trust them or not, but whatever works. After all, they could be considered pretty good friends, so why not trust them? I just wondered when they'd like to tell me their plan.

I decided to go with my guts and trust them in helping me and felt a weight lift off my shoulders. I'd finally be able to sleep peacefully without a ton of bricks weighing over me.

The three others still hadn't finished stealing enough food from my pantry so I announced I was going to take a shower and left to go to my room. I quickly took some clothes and rushed into the shower.

I welcomed the warmth and stood there. I hadn't really ever had time to relax so I guess I lost track of time. After rethinking my whole life for probably a full 23 minutes, I realized how pruned my skin was becoming and how much time I'd spent doing nothing.

I shrieked a little and sped washed myself, trying to wash both my hair and body at the same time, spilling a bottle of conditioner and mixing body wash with shampoo. After marathoning my shower, I managed to speed wash myself in 2 minutes and scrambled out of the shower.

Tossing on my clothes, I searched for my comb and blow dryer. Finally, I emerged from the bathroom a bit out of breath and a bit winded, but fine, nevertheless.

I expected to hear Mariah, Shauntey, and Aceline talking and eating, but I didn't hear anything at all. Smirking to myself, I confidently strode around the house.

"Come out guys," I called. "I know you're trying to scare me."

However, no noise was heard, and I got a bit nervous. I tiptoed into the kitchen, but there was no one there. Before I left the room, however, I saw a little note on the kitchen counter.

Picking it up, I read "Hey there Mrs. Valente!" I sighed at that part and ripped it off the note and threw it away. It was no doubt Shauntey's idea.

"We couldn't find good stuff in your food place so we're just gonna go to someplace to buy more stuff. We'll be back in a few. Don't peepee your panties.

Xxx, the three stooges."

I rolled my eyes and tossed the note. While they were gone,  I decided to make a mug of hot chocolate and snuggled into my couch like the lonely person I was. I flipped through lame TV channels and settled on watching Friends.


"Shh she's sleeping!"

"Is that drool?"

"Hold on let me get the sharpie."

"Should we dye her hair blue?"

My eyes snapped open and I fell off the couch and squealed. "Real graceful Lovette," Mariah snorted.

I looked around me and my jaw dropped. Literally.

"Close your mouth honey. You don't want any more drool getting on anything do you?" Aceline laughed. She closed my mouth and I wiped away a bit of spit, blushing.

Before me lay bags and bags of chips, cans of whipped cream, more cans of spray paint, random candy bars, and a whole bunch of useless things.

"When did you guys come back?" I asked.

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