Chapter 16

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Another update already? Yep. I'm feeling creative.

(And it's super long!)

I was suddenly extremely uncomfortable under his scorching gaze and I awkwardly blinked at him. I had no idea what to say.

I'd never thought about what his point of view on this situation would be. Was he mad? Sad? I had absolutely no idea. After a period of awkward staring and blinking, I cleared my throat. "I don't know," I muttered. "It's not like I made this choice."

Sighing, Tristan leaned back into his chair. "You know that there isn't anything we can do about this, right?"

However, the moment he said that, my temper flared up. "I'm sick and tired of having my parents control my life. I'm not going to let them go this far," I retorted.

"How do you plan to do that?"

I had no answer, seeing that Mariah, Shauntey, nor Aceline had told me the plan to get me out of the wedding. "I don't know," I whispered.

Flashing me a crooked smile that would have wooed the whole female population of all ages, he said, "But this can't be that bad. I mean, you're going to marry this." And he motioned towards his body.

I laughed out loud and rolled my eyes. "Right," I said. "I'm sooo excited. I can't believe I'm marrying Tristan Valente. Let me bow down to you oh great king." I dramatically laid my hand on my forehead.

Tristan's food order arrived and he didn't eat. He only stared at his food growing cold in front of him. Finally, he spoke. "It's not that I don't like you. You're a great person, Lovette. But this just doesn't seem right and that's why I'm against this."

Did that mean he didn't like me? I thought we were fine. Ignoring the stab of pain in my heart, I smiled ruefully. "Don't worry. I'll find a way out of this mess."

He began to eat slowly, his jaw working on the food. His square jaw moved up and down and his chiseled face was distracted. I pinched myself. "No, Lovette. No. Lovette Egan does not go for annoying playboys." I frowned as I remembered all of the tabloids showing off Tristan's new prey. Always a new woman in his arms, I was surprised he didn't have any STDs yet.

Maybe he did...

Besides, who knew what nightmare would pursue after we got married? Would he cheat on me? Would I become one of those ignored wives? Just thinking about that made me shudder.

Stepping into a loveless marriage was not my cup of tea.

I waited until Tristan finished eating before I left, and although I protested, he paid for my portion as well. We left the cafe together and aimlessly headed to a park together. We scoped out an empty bench sat down.

I stared at the stupid pigeons and for some reason recalled the memory of the dance. When he let me sleep... When he kissed my forehead... My face heated up and my cheeks warmed. I clapped my hands on my cheeks so he wouldn't see.

Giving me a weird look, Tristan stared at me, waiting for me to give him an explanation.

Hell no.

"So... You don't have work today?" I asked him, trying to start a conversation.

"Nope. I get a day off today. What about you?" He asked me.

I faked a gasp. "You? The high and mighty Tristan Valente doesn't have to work? Don't you live at work?"

Tristan threw me a teasing glare. "Shouldn't you be shopping for wedding dresses?"

I wrinkled my nose in disgust. "Don't remind me," I groaned. My mother would probably make it some huge thing, and I was determined to find the simplest dress to make her angry.

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