Chapter 14

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Once I arrived in my small apartment, I sought comfort onto my bed. My day so far was becoming increasingly worse, and all of these questions... They were all causing me to over think and burn up all my brain cells.

I rolled over onto my back and stared at the ceiling, picking out tiny things I saw. What was I doing with my life? I had it all planned out and now... Now it was spiralling down into who-knows-what.

I thought about it. I really did. And I came up with the conclusion that I supposed I didn't hate Tristan Valente, but rather found him annoying.

I would have stayed on the situation longer, but there was a stupid voice in the back of my head offering scandalous ideas of how I felt.

It was probably my mother's fault.

Now that I had situation one sorted out, it was time to focus on situation two.

How to escape my wedding.

To be honest, I probably would have gotten married in the future. It was part of my life plan. I just didn't want it this way. And since my parents were already getting on my nerves, why not get on theirs?

I mulled over how to escape. There were endless possibilities, really, but the ones I came up with were all stupid.

For example, one plan was to send threatening letters to Tristan from my imaginary boyfriend, when I realized Tristan would probably toss them without a second glance. Did he even know we were getting married?

That was one of my tamer solutions. As I got more desperate, I came up with things like running away. I scoffed at that idea. If I did run away, what would I do after that? My parents would hunt me down. If I went back to my parents, they'd probably force me to marry again. Crazy idea right?

I made myself numerous cups of tea and ham sandwiches to try to calm myself down. Once I was pretty sure my head was functioning better again, I thought more reasonably.

And that reasonable side told me there was nothing I could do.

I sighed and stared into my cup of tea as if it would suddenly give me an answer. Maybe... Maybe I was actually some sort of witch. After all, despite my age, I was still waiting for my acceptance to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. I suppose the delivery of the letter was just delayed.

After staring into the teacup for several minutes, I gave up. I was just being silly. I really needed to clear my head out properly and actually come up with something. Thus, I went to my desk and promptly sat down, ready to brainstorm my ideas of a glorious escape.

Two bathroom trips, one chewed up pen, five cups of tea, and seven doodles later, I still had no success. I dumbly stared at the doodles. Maybe I should just become a tattoo artist. Then maybe I wouldn't have to get married.

Suddenly I shot up out of my chair so fast that my chair toppled over.

I knew exactly what I needed.

Actually, more of who I needed at this point.


I made my way through endless alleyways. It was still pretty light out, but nevertheless, getting dark at the same time. I'd been wandering through the alleyways for quite a while, and successfully gotten myself very lost.

And I still hadn't encountered a living soul.

"Maria, Aceline ?" I called out, looking from side to side.

"Hello?" I yelled even louder.

Frustrated with life in general, I kicked a stray piece of metal, barely budging that huge thing and ending up with a sore toe. I cursed and ran my hands through my hair.

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