Chapter 9

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True to his word, Markus did indeed pick me up from my apartment. Except he was a bit too early...


I went through the rest of my day at work in pretty high spirits. I'd managed to snag a date AND he was good looking. And it seemed like he was of a good social status. I'm sure Markus wouldn't disappoint my mother who had higher expectations than any Asian parent. It was stressful, really.

It was about two hours later when I was humming and I was filing some files into a folder when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I told whoever was outside.

The door opened to reveal my father who was smiling. Wait a minute... Was I dead? Instead of the stern and granite face he never took off, his lip had somewhat of a curve to it, and he seemed to be looking at me with what seemed to be a bit of pride.

Oh how in wished I had a camera at that moment to take a snapshot of possibly one of the rarest happenings on Earth.

"Lovette!" He said to me. "I always knew you were like me."

I wrinkled my nose a bit. What? Me? Like him? That was like saying clouds and dirt were alike. In fact, clouds and dirt probably had more in common than we did.

At the next moment, my mother burst into the room- correction... My mother breezed into the room like she was the queen and we were expecting her. Without saying it, it was practically written on her forehead, "The queen is never late. Everyone else is just early."

"Lovette!" She beamed at me as much as her botox face would allow. So in the end, it looked like she was wincing. "I hear that you've managed to grasp Markus Dietrich in your holds. I always knew you were like me."

Oh so this was about Markus.

My mother continued. "I always knew you were like me. I see that although some rules may not have stuck in your puny head, but rule number 3 certianly has! Ah, rule number three," she said a bit greedlily. "Always marry a man of worth and fortune. Bravo Lovette, bravo!"

My father intervened as he went up to me and clasped my hands in his. "You've always had that power craving monster inside of you. Just like me. It did take some years for it to show, but here you are Lovette! New and improved."

I did my best not to wrench my hands away. Instead, I said, "I am greatly honoured, my fabulous parents. I could not have reached my power hungry, money greedy self without you two. I thank you. Now, I must finish my work in peace so o can get the most experience I can so when I take over the business, I can get even more power and money."

I just wanted them to leave me alone.

My mother's eyes showed a hint of a tear, but who was I kidding? She probably didnt even know what crying was. My father escorted her out, but before leaving, he gave me a somewhat of a proud stare and left me.

It didn't boost my confidence, but rather made me as nervous as hell. Now I has to live up to his expectations.

The rest of my day at work was mostly uneventful other than circling rumors that I was having an affair with Markus Dietrich, which I found completely bizzare, since I'd only met him less than twenty four hours ago.

At around five o' clock, I went back to my apartment to get ready for the grand party. The party would begin at eight o' clock, so I figured I would have about two and a half hours to get ready before Markus picked me up.

I hopped into the shower and I just freshened up a bit, so it only took about seven minutes. I stepped outside my bathroom in just a towl, and went into the kitchen to grab a quick snack.

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