Chapter 13

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I changed Ari's name to Shauntey! And if you don't remember her, I put her in the character list.

PS I edited the character list, adding some height descriptions.

I groaned. I was quite possible the stupidest person on earth. Why hadn't I waited to leave the room until my parents told me the poor soul I was going to marry?

Not that it'd make a difference.

Once again, I left my room and slowly descended the stairs and made my way to the dining room where my parents were still eating silently. My mother had barely touched her food, and my father was still sitting stiffly like a board. Almost nothing had changed since I'd ran to my room.

My parents didn't even acknowledge my presence when I entered the dining room. However, my mother did throw me a spiteful look, expressing her anger by my horrible behavior.

I sat down next to my father, who was eating at the head of the table, and I cleared my throat. He was still a piece of granite.

"Uh," I said nervously. "I just wanted to apologize for my um... repugnant behavior."

My father nodded his head toward me, accepting my apology wordlessly. My mother, on the other hand, shot me another glare. "Lovette," she scolded. "I thought you learned from lesson 203 that a proper lady must never leave another's presence without excusing themselves."

I gulped and tried to look more ashamed of myself. "I'm sorry, mother," I apologized.

"Next time you display such repulsive behavior, you shall be writing it down again," my mother venomously said, shooting me another appalled glance.

I sighed. "Well, I was just wondering, who am I supposed to marry?" I cautiously asked.

My father looked at me for the first time, his interest finally being sparked. "Why Lovette," he remarked. "How careless of me not to tell you. This certainly is a big event after all." His chest swelled in manly pride.

I nodded, urging him on.

"And you're not supposed to marry him," my mother corrected. "You're going to marry him. So, there won't be any riffraff going on around anymore. I'd like you to keep out of trouble."

Ha, as if I'd ever dared to step out of line. Well, most of the time, anyways Discreetly rolling my eyes, I focused my attention back to my father. "So...?" I prodded him on.

Not that it'd make a difference to who I was marrying. I just really wanted to know who it would be.

"Tristan Valente," my father proudly stated.

Haha scratch what I said before.

It made one HELL of a difference.

I choked on my spit, and began to hack loudly in a coughing fit. My eyes began to water and I pounded my chest like donkey kong when he was on top of the Empire State Building.

I seriously hoped I'd heard wrong. This was absolutely stupid and crazy. What were my parents talking about? They couldn't possibly be serious. I thought my parents were crazy, but not this crazy!

Praying a million times that I had heard wrong, I managed to calm myself down and take a few deep breaths. What had I ever done wrong?

All right, sure, maybe I'd cheated myself out of some diet plans that my mother planned for me, but it's not like it made that much of a difference. And sure, maybe I accidentally dyed my father's hair blue and made my mother go bald... but it couldn't be that bad for me to receive this sort of punishment had it?

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