#46: Newsflash

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A week.

Sasuke didn't know how Itachi managed to hold off the news of their coming out for a week. The scandal blew up pages on the newspapers but to make matters bigger, a series of announcements were made after it.

[Uchiha Brothers Coming out of the Closet, Is the Empire doomed?]

[Most Eligible Bachelor now Gay and Attached!]

[Handsome CEO spotted in Androgynous Fashion with Lover]

[Proud Representative of the LGBTQ Community? Uchihas Speak Their Minds]

Naruto was still blissfully unaware about the scandalous news flying all over the country. However, the golden fox still noticed how many stares they were getting from random strangers on the streets and on the campus.

Following the news of their public statement, Itachi released another bomb to the media who ate it up like a bunch of ravenous hyenas. The outrage and drama flying around the company didn't stop but the shares continued to rise with big supporters of Itachi's personal life. Kurama of unknown background also became an overnight star when the news reported their marriage. Sasuke and Naruto were also apparently engaged not that the young Uchiha minded. He did appreciate a little warning before the news was released but that was still tolerable.,

What Sasuke couldn't understand was how he had suddenly become the sole official heir to the Uchiha Empire. His brother had always told him that they would run it together so why would Itachi be naming Sasuke as the heir? That screamed fishy to the sophomore. There was something Itachi wasn't telling him. A named heir would only paint targets on the backs of both brothers. There would be no shortage of people trying to cosy in on them for material benefits now that it was made official.

What exactly was Itachi planning?

Following that news, Sasuke raised his brow at Itachi's official statement at a gathered press conference interviewing him about the flurry of gossips surrounding his reputation.

His brother declared that Uchiha Inc. was currently in the middle of a staff reshuffling progress and was recruiting new talent. It didn't surprise anyone that after the announcement of his sexual orientation, the board of directors started to boycott. Itachi made it clear that his company didn't need 'narrow-minded folks who only thought in the perspective of self-interest' to work with them. The statement was very clear and didn't veil the threat directed towards unnamed individuals.

His bold statement and action only inspired more movements within the country to accept the LGBTQ community. Itachi was hailed as the modern hero who paved the way for queers who wanted a better future. The Uchiha Empire faced many threats fr their bold statement but these threats did not surpass the number of people offering collaborations with them.

True to his name as the Devil of the Business World, Itachi revealed that it was because of his capable husband's management that they were able to get so far. To solidify that claim, Kurama became one of the board directors even though he was an independent party who aided Itachi with his daily life from secretary to security.

Sasuke wasn't amused by Itachi's explanation over the phone.

"I get to get rid of sharks, raise the company's value, become more influential and flaunt my new husband. Isn't this brilliant?"

The sophomore sighed. "Why so sudden? Didn't you say that we were going to run the company together after I graduated? Why name me as the heir?"

Itachi smiled. His younger brother was sometimes too sharp for his own good. In actual fact, Itachi was pushing his plans ahead by a lot simply because he wanted to retire early and spend the remaining of his short life with Kurama. As a converted demon, Sasuke would live as long as naruto if not more. Kurama had refused Itachi's request of converting into a demon so the CEO felt an urgency like he had never felt before. Time had never felt so scarce and it pained the CEO that they spent so much time wasting away in the confined walls of his office.

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