#44: Even If Fate Destroys Us, I'll Never Let You Go

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Itachi gasped when Kurama threaded his large hand through his raven locks. The slight change in angle gave the Hunter better access to his cavern and Kurama deepened the kiss he started. The Hunter was clearly more experienced than his human partner, knowing exactly where to bite and lick to get Itachi hot and bothered quickly.

The CEO felt as his body was on fire. Everywhere that Kurama kissed, touched and bit tingled uncomfortably as blood rushed further south. The effeminate man lost all the strength in his legs and felt too lost in the intensity to think coherently. It was as if he was drunk on everything that was Kurama in that moment and Itachi knew he wouldn't hesitate to give this demon everything he could offer if he continued to look into his eyes with that unquenchable thirst.

Still, as a weak-willed human, Itachi continued to be drawn into the magnetic gaze. Kurama didn't allow his mate to escape him. He'd waited so long before he could taste Itachi again. Now that his mate was begging him for it, the fox demon could no longer restrain his animalistic instinct screaming to mark this man as his.

The kiss robbed Itachi of oxygen and the CEO's grip on Kurama's shoulder tightened painfully. The fox demon grabbed Itachi by the hips and walked into the bedroom with the CEO still clinging onto his hips, grinding hard against Kurama's arousal through their clothes. The fox demon growled into the searing tongue-lock and sucked hard on Itachi's teasing appendage trying to worm its way into his cavern.

Kurama allowed Itachi to think that he'd gain the upper hand as his human mate explored the inside of his cavern while his hands explored the pert globes through the high-waisted jeans and Itachi bucked his hips at the sudden movement. Kurama only became bolder with his advancements and slipped his hand beneath the fabric to feel them directly.

Itachi groaned at the skin-on-skin contact, wishing that the Hunter would be less of a tease and strip them both naked. They broke away for air but Itachi wasn't given time to recover. Kurama was making sure that his mate wouldn't have time to think because the fox demon was already attacking the sensitive spot just behind Itachi's ear and breathing hot air into it before whispering in that husky voice that Itachi secretly adored.

"You better get yourself ready for me after seducing me this much, I'm not going to be satisfied with just one round."

The CEO blushed and nodded shyly. he removed his crop top quickly and discarded it on the floor before stepping back from Kurama to undo his jeans. Kurama used the brief break to get rid of the clothing before admiring his mate's supple skin. The man was beautiful in an androgynous way that could make any man or woman crazy. Kurama felt that surge of possessiveness overwhelm him once more and attacked.

Itachi clearly wasn't ready for a huge furry fox hybrid to hug him from behind and suck on any exposed skin available. Kurama didn't relent and twisted a nipple in one hand while the other hand wormed its way around the CEO's waist. Itachi yelped in surprise when claws dug into his skin near his pelvis and looked back to the fox demon who was looking more demon than human. There was a moment of fear and hesitation from Itachi when he caught sight of the wildness in Kurama's eyes.

Kurama breathed heavily, clouded over by the overwhelming sense of lust consuming him. Itachi was his mate and their souls resonated with the desire to connect with the mating season messing with his instincts. More... it simply wasn't enough!

Itachi let Kurama do whatever he pleased, knowing that it must be a fox demon mating season thing. The fox demon wasn't one to lose his composure easily. While Kurama wasn't totally in control of his actions, Itachi found himself still trusting the Hunter to take care of him. They were finally going to become one and Itachi shivered in anticipation as Kurama trailed his tongue down his spine slowly before biting down lightly on his left buttcheek.

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