Chapter 9

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Author's Note: The issue with my dad should be sorted out now. There was cold war for a while but it has ended. Thanks so much for all your support. On to the new chapter!

>>Xxx Destiny Aitsuji xxX<<

"You're not serious."

"I'm dead serious."

"No you're not."

"If I wasn't I would be here, Kiba! Help me out please, you're my best man."

The werewolf sighed through his nose. Clearly his blond friend was in quite the predicament.

"You know, for a fox, you sure are dumb."

"You want to run that by me again?" Face red with anger and eyes promising a lot of pain to come, Naruto bristled.

"Calm down. It's not like this is a serious illness or anything. In fact even the alpha had this at one point of time."

Eyes widening, the fox gasped in disbelief. "No way! Kakashi too? He's allergic to humans?"

Half wanting to smash his head into the nearest object, Kiba groaned. How could his fox friend be so goddamn seductive and remain so innocent about these kind of things? Didn't they teach what emotions are at school?

"Look, I don't have the time. Why don't you find the alpha. I can give you their address."

Pouting a little in disappointment, Naruto nodded. "How do I use this again? The bastard hasn't taught me anything about using human devices."

Kiba rolled his eyes. "It's easy. You can go ask Neji to help you out later."

"Neji? Who's that?"

"He's Hinata's cousin. He owns this shop by the way."

Naruto paused. This Neji person sounded quite smart, to own a shop that Kibda worked in. "I'll ask him later. Now hurry up and give me the address."

Kiba input the address and Kakashi's contact details to Naruto's new frog phone and grinned. "All the best then. If you see the alpha's mate be polite. Don't say I didn't warn you."

Suspicious, Naruto eyed the werewolf until he left the shop. Turning to find the Neji person, Naruto wondered if Kakashi would be able to help him. Perhaps it was a weird spell or the lack of blessing from the elders that caused such a side effect.

Either way, Kakashi would be able to help me.

With that confidence in mind, Naruto smiled and approached a very beautiful looking man. He had long brown hair and the same eyes as Hinata. If Naruto didn't have his keen sense of smell he would have mistaken Neji for a female.

"Hi, I'm Naruto. Kiba told me to approach you for assistance?"

"Hi Naruto, I've heard about you from Kiba. You need some help with the new phone?"

Sheepishly Naruto nodded. He held out the green phone and smiled. "Sasuke got this for me but I have no idea how to use it. I need to see Kakashi later too but I don't know how to get there."

Neji studied the blond man for a while before chuckling. "Well, you're in luck. I have the same phone model as you and it's not very difficult. See here? You just need to tap on this icon to bring out your chats from other people. I see it is a brand new phone with hardly any contacts. Do you know how to transfer contacts from your old phone?"

Naruto blinked. "I don't think so, I'm actually new here."

Neji smiled understandingly. "Then you won't mind if we exchanged numbers?"

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