Chapter 6

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Author's Note: Thank you for all the reviews!

Just to clarify, Naruto gains the mark of maturity by tricking a hundred humans. The forms that Naruto can transform are human with ears and tail because he doesn't have good control over his powers to become a full human... he will hide those with illusions. Second form will be his mini fox form that Sasuke first found him in. That is power depleted form. The last would be the one mentioned reflected, his natural form of a regular sized golden furred eight tailed fox.

How Naruto sometimes has one tail and sometimes all eight? Similar to altering his appearance, Naruto will hide or show his tails. In depleted form it takes power to show tails while in other forms it takes power to hide.

Hope that clarifies some of your burning questions ^^

>>Xxx Destiny Aitsuji xxX<<

The first day as a pet had been exhausting. Naruto wasn't quite sure who the pet was anymore. Sasuke has been proving useless in even the most basic things. Despite being able to cook, Naruto smelled blood not more than five minutes Sasuke stepped into the kitchen. As a result the blond made Ramen for breakfast – the only thing he knew how to make.

Sasuke arrived in school late and was held up because of fan girls chasing him. Naruto was pissed with his 'owner' by the time the student came back because he had forgotten to buy the grocery required for dinner that night. Sasuke scoffed and simply ordered take out.

While Sasuke had gone to school Naruto decided to be useful by cleaning the house. It wasn't difficult with fox magic and the blond was bored. There wasn't anything good on TV either. The day was spent indoors counting non-existent dust mites.

"What's with you today?"

"Bad day."

Naruto frowned. "Doesn't seem like an ordinary bad day. It seems worse. Cutting your finger in the morning is a bad start. You being late for school and ambushed by a group of females can be written as a normal occurrence. Forgetting to buy groceries can be overlooked because of it but you refusing to brush my tail?"

Sasuke scowled.

"Come on bastard. I don't know you for very long but you can't just pass this up! You love the feeling of my tails!"

The student said nothing and continued glaring at the dishes as if they would do themselves. Luckily, the fox rescued the poor dishes and whisked them to the sink.

"Whatever, continue sulking bastard! See if I care." With that the blond fox settled for scrubbing the dishes in the kitchen. Only the sound of running water filled the apartment. Sasuke mulled over the events that happened.

Itachi had texted him about having him meet up with some girl who had been pestering his older brother for some time. The lady was apparently persistent and Itachi couldn't turn her request down. Now Sasuke was to meet that infuriating woman and the young Uchiha was beginning to question what he did to have such ill luck with women.

"Earth to Sasuke! What were you thinking? You're biting your nails... look! They're bleeding now."

Concerned blue eyes were the only things that caught Sasuke's attention. They were clear and expressive, Sasuke wish they could provide a solution to his dilemma. "If only there was a way out..."


Sasuke snapped out of his trance like state realising he had voiced out his inner thoughts. "Nothing."

Naruto sighed. "Look, it's obvious something is bugging you. As a pet I have the duty to comfort my owner. I might be a fox spirit but I have my own pride. I'll keep my word to you because we had an agreement and I'm not ungrateful."

Sasuke felt conflicted. "I don't know. You probably can't help me either."

"Well then, maybe talking about it would make you feel better."

The young Uchiha contemplated the idea. "Fine. My brother just wants me to meet an annoying lady who probably wants to pursue a relationship with me. I don't want to meet her or any of the girls in fact. They're noisy, pushy and insensitive. I just want a way out."

Naruto paused. "Sounds like you're popular." The hint of sourness didn't go unnoticed.

"So what if I was popular? Nobody bothered to understand me. They just want me for my looks and my money."

Azure eyes widened at that statement. "Looks and money?"

The raven haired beauty snorted. "What did you expect? A full time student would never afford such a luxurious apartment even with three part time jobs. My older brother is now the CEO of the Uchiha Empire. I'm the next in line. Typical story actually, parents died in a car crash and then the kids inherit their fortune. If women can throw themselves at wealthy old man I don't see why they wouldn't try hurling themselves at young and good looking rich boys."

Naruto grimaced at the way Sasuke chuckled. It was worse than the bitterness of the coffee thing he tried that morning. "I'm so sorry. I wish I could help."

Sasuke sighed. "Don't fret over it. Unless you can be my pretend lover, I doubt they'll leave me alone."

At that suggestion Naruto's eyes lit up. "That's it! You're a genius! I can be your pretend lover and all your problems will be solved. This way I can pay back my debt and also earn my mark of maturity."

Sasuke raised an eyebrow. "With tails and ears like yours?"

The blond kitsune rolled his eyes. "No, I can go like this."

A poof later, a very sexy looking blond female stood standing naked in Sasuke's room. The ravenet, taken by surprise, choked on his own spit.

"Wha-What are you doing, usuratonkachi?!"

"Eh? I thought this was something all men would like and all girls would envy? I swear Kyuubi tricked me again... I'm going to kick his ass when I get back!"

Sasuke tried to avert his gaze while the blush rose. "Change back you idiot! I don't need you to look like a girl out from the porn magazine to be my pretend lover! Just get rid of those ears and tail. Look human!"

Naruto changed back. "You mean like that?"

Sasuke took a peek and heaved a sigh of relief. At least now that Naruto was back to his male body and wearing clothes, the student did not risk another heart attack. On closer look, the fox demon was good looking. Without his ears and tail that Sasuke came to adore, the boy looked around eighteen. Then again, those sun-kissed skin and sparkling blue eyes stood out more than before. The blond hair was so striking Sasuke felt as if he couldn't breathe.

"I guess this will do." Damn those thoughts! Naruto was a male for crying out loud and Sasuke was straight. He had to be. Itachi was already an out of closet gay and it was up to Sasuke to continue the Uchiha line.

"From tomorrow onward you'll be my pretend lover. I hope this actually works."

The fox demon gave a blinding smile that made Sasuke's heart miss a beat. "It will! No one can deny my charm. You'll have those fan girls out of your hair in no time."

If the Uchiha had any doubts before, it all disappeared when Naruto cuddled with him under the covers. Once the lights were out the blond kissed his cheek and whispered good night causing the raven haired male to melt on the inside.

"Good night, Naruto."

>>Xxx Destiny Aitsuji xxX<<

Author's Note: Thank you all for reading. I'm actually in a shitty mood because my dad and I went into a fight over my choice to become a full time writer. I write this for fun obviously but I'm working seriously on my second book. Writers are poor creatures and I knew that. I'm just really down that dad doesn't approve of it and wants me to get an office job. Please tell me what I can do...

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