#45: Mutually Mated

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Everything hurt. Itachi didn't know if he could go to work in the next week. While he couldn't quite feel his legs, his behind was on fire. Beside him tangled in sheets, Kurama slept on peacefully. The fox demon's presence made the CEO tear up a little. How many mornings did he wake up in this big bed alone?

Kurama woke up to the soft sound of muffled sobs. Although his mind was still clouded over with sleep as well as a pleasant type of tiredness, the Hunter was immediately alert when he realised the distressed noise was coming from his mate.

"What's wrong?" the fox demon asked. He was over by Itachi's side even faster than the CEO could blink.

Itachi shook his head and wiped the tears quickly, trying to get rid of the shameful evidence but as soon as they were gone, more took the place of the previous salt trails. Kurama didn't think that Itachi was sad from his soul bond so the reaction puzzled him greatly. All he could do was croon quietly and hope that his mate would calm down soon.

Pressed against the hunter's chest, Itachi allowed the rhythmic beat of Kurama's heart to stabilise his emotions. The pain of finally becoming one was incomparable to the joy he felt at the moment. Were they finally mated in body, heart and soul?

"What are you thinking?" Kurama asked once the crying ceased.

Itachi smiled. "I'm happy to be alive."

Kurama felt his heart skip a beat and held his lover closer. Those words seemed to cut into his heart. Whatever that was troubling Itachi before was now finally laid to rest along with the past. From now on, could he look forward into the future full of sunshine with his mate? They met by chance but the decision to fall in love was by choice. Surely, Itachi didn't regret it right? Kurama couldn't demand too much out f his fragile human mate. Last night was something even Kurama didn't expect. The bruises on Itachi's snowy white skin reminded the hunter about how merciless he had been.

"How are you feeling? I wasn't too rough on you, was I?"

Itachi laughed. Worrying about his body the first thing in the morning seemed so surreal but that was exactly what he loved about Kurama. The fox might be an expert in charming his prey but after last night's display of unbridled passion, the CEO no longer had doubts about his mate's feelings.

"I'm feeling very full in here," he said and brought the fox demon's hand to his chest.

Kurama felt the steady heartbeat of his lover and swallowed thickly. Itachi definitely knew how to make him worked up. The fox demon tried his best not to look at the abused nipple that was glowing bright pink. He tried to look away from the countless of bite marks littering all over the man's torso. However, the bite mark on Itachi's neck stood out the most.

Absent-mindedly, Kurama reached out to Itachi's neck to caress the bite marks there tenderly. Itachi shivered as the warm trail of fingers tucked away loose strands of hair behind his ear. Those fingers slid down to the junction of his collarbone and moved upwards. The CEO felt a moment of vulnerability under the hands of such a powerful demon but he closed his eyes and bared more of his neck to Kurama as a sign of trust.

Kurama inhaled and froze for a while. That submissive action didn't go unnoticed and the hunter knew that he couldn't ever let this man go.

"Itachi Uchiha, my love and mate..." Kurama breathed and closed the gap between their lips, taking Itachi by surprise.

Was this a belated confession?

When they broke for air, the fox demon saw confusion in those beautiful onyx eyes.

Kurama decided to do some explaining. He had some guesses about Itachi's insecurities but was too afraid to confront them before. He thought that by adhering to the mating culture of humans, he would satisfy Itachi. However, Kurama had been too self-obsessed about what he wanted to do that he ignored Itachi's advances and hurt the man in the process.

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