Chapter 7

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Author's Note: Thank you for the advices and encouragement. At the moment things are still not looking good but I won't give up. I do have a side job other than writing ^^ I'm a freelancer and occasionally work part time for projects. Thank you all for the kind words, now on to the update...

>>Xxx Destiny Aitsuji xxX<<

"Naruto reporting for the first day of work as Sasuke's lover!"

The slumbering raven haired student hadn't been expecting such a loud wake up call. The smell of coffee and toast woke the Uchiha immediately. Did Naruto burn the kitchen down making breakfast?

"Don't worry. I didn't destroy your kitchen. Even if I did I could fix it easily you know?" Snapping his fingers, Naruto activated his magic to draw the curtains open. With a dumbfounded expression, Sasuke didn't put two and two together till Naruto rolled his eyes and sighed dramatically.

"Fox magic. Now get out of bed and eat. I ran through your schedule. Class starts at nine. I'll meet you at the main gates after class. You can take that chance to announce that you're no longer single."

Suspicious at the sudden maturity in Naruto's attitude, the student frowned. "Are you alright? Did you hit your head this morning?"

Huffing in indignation, the blond fox glared at the human. "Rude! In case you haven't noticed, I'm a lot older than you are. Pretending to be someone's lover isn't exactly rocket science. Foxes are trained in trickery and even though I'm not as capable in magic, I graduated with top marks in wits."

"You mean there are schools in the demon world?"

"Yes there are. Where do you think we learn how to transform? Unlike humans, we don't have parents. Some of us are born from Hagoromo Gitsune every few hundred years. We are direct descendants and pure bred demons. Others are cultivated from many lives as foxes to become a fox spirit, they are the deities you worship to."

"Which one are you?"

"I'm a child of Hagoromo Gitsune the mother of all foxes. I'm still young, only in my eighties. My older brother Kurama, the one I get along with, was born in the Edo period. Seeing how I lived through the first human world war, I think I can carry myself well enough."

"Edo period. Your older brother is three hundred years older than you are."

"You haven't seen anything. The oldest sibling we have was said to be born in the Kamakura period. Hagoromo Gitsune was said to exist since before that. In any case, that's not important. You better start running before you're late. I'll answer your questions later."

Glancing at the clock, Sasuke saw how right Naruto was. With less than an hour to spare, the Uchiha grabbed his bag and hurried to get dressed.

"Please wear something decent. You can find anything you like in the closet or go shopping. Use my card for any purchases you need. I'm going now."

"Have a safe trip!" Smiling, the fox demon waved to his pretend lover and cheekily blew a kiss.

Sasuke cringed at the action but scowled when he realised Naruto was only teasing. The soft ding alerted the student of the elevator's arrival and left the scene hurriedly. Naruto chuckled. This human was fun to play with. Perhaps if he played his cards right the human could help him save on expenses he needed to live in the human world, giving him more time to plan his strategy. He had a hundred people to trick after all.

Closing the door, the blond fox wondered how he should dress. If Sasuke was going to pretend to have a gay lover he might as well look the part. "Well, it's either all gay or nothing at all. I suppose he can deal with it."

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