Chapter 22~ Consequences of Growing Up

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A.N. I tried to make this chapter set up some plot lines for the future, but as I'm writing/reading this over, it just sounds like filler so I'm sorry.

Chapter 22

A beam of light from the rising sun slowly swept across clothing strewn floor boards.

She never meant to spend the night but time fell meaningless, lost in sweat and screams and lips and teeth.

At the time, George was thankful for the empty house, but now he realized that his parents knew two things:

1. Who he was with.
2. He didn't come back last night.

Isabelle laid with her eyes open, contemplating whether or not she should leave before he woke up.

Her eyes darted across the chest and up to the face of the person laying beside her.

Oh how she wished she could stay but she knew it would only make things worse the longer she was there.

Her mother would be awake and notice her absence; His parents would come looking at the house.

Slowly, so as not to wake him, Isabelle slipped out of the bed sheets and started to pick up her discarded clothes piece by piece.

Underwear flung onto the floor; Bra hanging over the end of the bed; Shirt halfway inside out underneath George's; Shorts on the other side of the bed.

Putting on yesterday's clothes, she crept out the door and down the stairs.


Back upstairs, George rolled over on what was supposed to be the place where Isabelle slept.

Realizing the warm body that was there, was no longer with him he sat up and saw that her clothes were gone as well.

Frantically, he got up and threw on his underwear but stopped when he noticed her wand resting on the floor.

She'd have to come back for it eventually.

He picked it up carefully and took his as well before exiting the room.

There on the bottom of the stairs sat his lover, pulling on her shoes.

Clearing his throat she turned around to him with somewhat smeared makeup from that night.

"Wouldn't want to leave this behind when you sneak off would you." he said holding up her wand

She sigh dejectedly.

"George, I wasn't-"

"Go on then." he interrupted, tossing the wand to her

"Wouldn't want anyone to think we were together."

"I want to stay George, I do. But-"

"Yeah yeah. See you at school Lestrange."

A pop sounded from the kitchen and Isabelle disaparated home; But not without her heart splintering.


Isabelle looked around at the boxes.

Thankfully her mother had left her a note saying she would be at the Malfoy's that night so when she got back from her date she wouldn't alarmed.

Part of her was sad that her mother wasn't there to scold her for not coming home last night.

The other part was glad because now she had time to get clean and fix a story with the house elves.

But now she was left with the boxes for her new life and the echo of George calling her by her last name.

She picked up a news article that she had gone through a few weeks back and circled three potential flats.

All of which were owned by wizards but located in muggle areas. She had been to two of the open houses but neither places she liked.

For the third one, it was a buy instead of a rent. She wasn't really sure at first if she was ready to buy a flat, but as the summer went on she knew she had to.

There was a address at the bottom so you could write a letter to get an appointment to view the flat before purchase.

Isabelle took out a piece of parchment and a quill from one of the boxes and started to write a short letter to the owner;

Dear Mr. Taikot,
I saw the advertisement it the news and I am interested in the flat.
I would like to see it sometime before the 15th, so that if I do buy it I'll have time to move in before school starts.
Isabelle Lestrange

"Poppy!" she called out, folding the letter and writing the address on the front

"Yes miss?" the small voice of the house elf responded from the center of the room

"Would you please send this letter for me?"

"Of course miss. Poppy would love to."

The small creature gently took the letter from Isabelle's grasp and aparated away.


Looking down at the list of classes for 7th year students, Isabelle felt her stomach twist into knots.

She had been so caught up in finding a flat and the fact that this was her last year at school that she was supposed to pick a career had totally slipped away.

Normally you were supposed to talk to your Head of House to find out what NEWTS would help you get your job but since last year had been so hectic for her, it wasn't really on her mind.

One by one she ticked off classes.


Classes that she could pass, no extra-curricular, Quidditch -which she had already been drawing up practices for, and Head Girl duties would give her just the right ratio of work to free time.

Of course, Alchemy would be hard considering that she hadn't taken it the year before.

But this way she got a more subsection of magic and not just the basics.

Refolding the parchment and sealing it again it disappeared; Automatically going back to Hogwarts where her schedule would be made.

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