Chapter 18~ The Dark Lord Returns

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Chapter 18

I didn't realise I sort of did this part already, but I liked this one better, so I have gotten rid of the stuff from the previous chapter.

3rd Person's P.O.V.

Cedric, Harry, and Izzy landed on hard ground.

The Triwizard Cup had turned out to be a portkey.

As the 3 children got up and looked around, it was clear they were in a graveyard.

They heard footsteps behind them and quickly turned around to see a little, balding man carrying a small buddle.

"Peter Pettigrew." the boy with black hair breathed out quietly, almost like a whisper

"Kill the spares!" A voice hissed

George's P.O.V.

The crowd was waiting for something to happen.

The only competitors that were still in the maze were the Hogwarts ones so no matter who got the cup, Hogwarts would win.

The band started to play and I looked down into the arena to see Izzy, Harry, and Cedric all huddled together.

But something wasn't right.

A scream from the stadium above me comfirmed my fears.

I grabbed Ron's binoculars and peered down on them.

Harry had Cedric clutched to his chest and was yelling and crying.

Izzy had pulled Harry into her arms and was rocking him back and forth, tears of her own running down her face.

As for Cedric, he lay motionless in Harry's arms. His eyes starring into nothingness.

Cedric Diggory was dead.

3rd Person's P.O.V.

As Harry was dragged off by Mad-Eye Moody, and Mr. Diggory was shouting for his son, no one noticed Draco come out of the stands and lead Izzy back to the castle.

"Izzy. What happened in there?"

For the first time in a long while, Isabelle Lestrange was shaking in fear.

"He's back."

"Who's back?" The blond haired boy asked

She looked up at him. Her dark eyes bloodshot.

"The Dark Lord."


I'm sorry!

I know that it's been WAY too long. It's a short chapter for such a wait and I'm so sorry!

School is almost over and hopefully I'll get to write more (bigger chapters AND more frequently) over the summer.

I want to thank everyone that has been liking and commenting, it really makes my day.

Please don't fight amongst yourselves. I already said at the start that this would not be sticking to the story line.

Thank you for sticking with me.

xoxo -Amanda

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