Chapter 6~ The First Task

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Chapter 6

Today is the day of the first task.

Harry had found out that the first task was going to be dragons, and after he told me, I convinced him to tell Cedric as well.

Now, Cedric and I, and also Harry and I have battle plans.

Cedric and mine is;

Distract the drangon by doing some transfiguration.

Harry and mine is;

When the dragon attacks us, split up and summon our brooms and flying around the dragon, making it dizzy.

I took a cold shower to wake up my body. I pulled my hair into a tight braid that went down my back to my shoulder blades. I pulled on cargo pants and a long sleeved black shirt. I slipped on my Hogwarts jersy which was green and silver (the Slytherin colours) that had my name on the back. I laced up my black combat boots and slipped my wand into the right one. I made sure that the window was open so my brrom could fly out when I summon it.

I made my out of the Slytherin Commons where they were all cheering, and out to the GH.

I ate my usual white roll and walked over to the Hufflepuff table.

Cedric looked up from his goblet and grinned at me.

"You ready for today?"

I nodded and gave him a weak smile.

"I'm going to head out and re-read over some transfiguration spells. I'll see you in the champions' tent." And with that, he left.

I walked over to the Gryffindor table and sat down beside Harry. His friends didn't seem to notice I was there.

"Got your broom ready?" I asked

He nodded looking as grim and the smile I just gave Cedric.

"Come on. We should probably get to the tent." He said standing up.

I stood up and he waved to his friends.


The cannon souded.

That ment that it was time for Cedric and I to go out and try to get our golden eggs away for the Green Short Snout.

I glanced over at Cedirc as we entered the arena and he gave me a reassuring smile.

I looked back at the arena and met eyes with the dragon.

"And now," boomed the voice of Ludo Bagman

"Cedric Diggory and Isabelle Lestrange from Hogwarts!"

The crowd cheered and I locked eyes with Draco. He, Cat, Blaise, and his cronies Crabbe and Goyle, were sitting on the edge on the Slytherin section. Right next to the Gryffindors. In fact, right next to Harry's friends.

He gave me a weak smile that showed he was concered for me, and Cat and Blaise gave me double thums up.

"Ready?" I heard Cedric ask behind me. Just like we planned.

The dragon was going to focus on me and when it attacked, Cedric and I would jump different ways. Since the dragon would be focused on me, he wouldn't see Cedric. Cedric would then transfigure a boulder into a dog to distract the dragon from me. Freeing us to grab our eggs. All the while I dodge the dragons' attacks.

I nodded and started walking towards the dragon.

Draco's P.O.V.

I watched as Izzy made her way toward the dragon. Diggory busy hinding behind her.

That coward.

I took out my binoculars as the dragon spotted her.

The dragon let out a bust of fire and Izzy jumped to the right while Diggory jumped to behind a boulder. The dragon focused on Izzy, leaving Diggory free.

I watched as he took out his wand and pointed it at a boulder across the arena.

I then watched as the boulder transformed into a dog.

The dog barked, causing the dragon to turn away from Izzy.

I watched as she and Diggory ran toward the golden eggs.

The dragon turned back around and blew a ball of fire at them.

I jumped to my feet as Izzy pulled Diggory to the ground in front of the golden eggs.

They quickly grabbed their eggs and dragon tamers came out and calmed the dragon and took it away.

Two men came over. One was a healer and the other was a dragon tamer.

The healer looked Izzy over once since she didn't have any injuries, aside from singed hair and some soot and dirt on her face.

The healer took Diggory and his egg back into the tent and the dragon tamer took Izzy's egg from her.

"Now, because Miss Lestrange is also the partner of Mr. Potter, she will have retrieve her golden egg again. However, if she does not retrieve it the second time, she will still get it beacause she retrieved it the first time." Ludo Bagman's voice boomed out

Izzy's P.O.V.

I made my way over to the tent after the dragon tamer took my egg away.

Harry and I had to go up aginst a Hungarian Hourtail.

I met Harry just out side the champions tent as the cannon went off, signaling the start of the task.

"And now, Harry Potter and Isabelle Lestrange, also from Hogwarts."

Harry and I looked around the arena, but we couldn't see our dragon.

We did however see our golden eggs. We made a break for it, only to have our way blocked my the dragons tail as it slammed down just in front of us, sending bits of rocks flying. Harry and I dove behind a boulder as the dragon sent a long wave of fire at us.

I looked over at Harry and he nodded.

We took out our wands and simultaniously yelled,


Our brooms came whizzing by and we jumped on.

We started to fly around the dragon, but it ripped free of its chains.

Harry looked over to me, panicked, and I yelled,

"To the castle!"


Harry and I flew back towards the arena, the dragon hot on our tails.

The end of Harrys' broom was smoking and it he was going down.

"Harry!" I yelled "Jump onto my broom!"

He did as I said and landed with thud on my broom behind me.

We raced off to where our eggs were.

The dragon was right behind us, and I knew we weren't going to make it with our combined weight.

"Harry, I want you to hold onto the broom and get our eggs! I'm going to distract the dragon, but you need to get those eggs!" I yelled

"What?! You can't be serious! You'll die!!" He yelled back

"Just do it! Trust me!" He looked sceptical but took a hold of the broom.

I carefully stood up on the broom, making sure not to tip it. I stepped around Harry, so he was now at the front. I walked my way to the back of my broom and stared the dragon right in the eye.

I was about to do something completely insane.

I jumped.

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