Chapter 3~ A Midnight Snack

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Chapter 3

George's P.O.V.

After I was sure that everyone was asleep, I quietly crept out of bed and down the stairs of the boys dorm. I looked into the CR (Common Room) and saw it was empty, and I slipped out the portrait hole.

I made our way down from the 7th floor to the 5th, and stopped at the painting of the bowl of fruit. I couldn't get to sleep because I kept thinking about Lestrange, so I thought a a midnight snack would help.

I tickled the pear and it starting to giggle. The portrait swung open and I stepped into the kitchen. It was weird not seeing it bustling with house elves. I noticed someone over by one of the sinks. It was too dark to see who it was, but they obviously didn't hear me come in.

"Do you want some coco?" The person asked. So much for not being noticed. I then realised who it was. The person who had taken over my thoughts. Isabelle Lestrange.

"Er..." I really didn't know how to respond.

She chuckled "Don't worry, I didn't poison it."

"Um.. Okay then." I said sitting down on one of the bar stools.

She walked over, two mugs with steam curling from them.

"And just so you still don't think I'm trying to poison you, take your pick on which one you want."

I picked the one in her left hand. As she passed it to me, I notice a small black cross on the side of her hand, going from her pinky to her wrist. She must've caught me looking at it because she said,

"It's a tattoo" I nodded my head. Dad had asked Hermione and Harry once about them. Apparently, Muggles use needles to permanently put ink in their skin.

"Are tattoos painful?" I asked

"At first, but you get used to the pain after your first one."

"You have more?"

She nodded "I have three. The cross, which in on my left hand, the word RISK on my right hip, and a star on the outside of my right ankle."

"I thought Slytherins hated all things Muggle?" I mentally slapped myself for that.

She chuckled lightly, but there was a dark undertone to it. "Most do, but I happen to be fascinated by Muggles and their things. Most of my clothes are Muggle clothes, and I even have a iPod, laptop, and Phone. You can ask Harry or Hermione what those are if you don't know."

"You called them by their first names." I stated.

She smiled. "I did. Didn't I?"

I took a sip from my coco. It was the most delicious thing I've ever tasted. It was like drinking heaven. I looked at my drink before looking at her.

She looked back up at me a smiled. Not a smirk. An actually smile.

"Like it?"

"Are you kidding me?!? It's like drinking heaven!"

She laughed and it was the most amazing sound I've ever heard. "It's an old family recipe."

"Well it's really good." I took another sip of my drink and looked back up at her. I noticed how close we were sitting and I couldn't stop myself as I leaned over and pecked her on the lips.

As soon as I pulled away blushing, I knew what I had done. I had kissed a Lestrange. If Malfoy found out, he'd make my life a living hell. All my friends will despise me. Not to mention what Isabelle was thinking. She'd probably hold this over me forever. I looked down at my hands. I wish I could say that the kiss was horrible. But it wasn't. I felt as if thousands volts of electricity were flowing through my veins. Sparks had flew. What happened next took me completly by surprise.

Isabelle grabbed the front of my shirt and crashed her lips to mine. I felt the electricity run through me again. Her sent of vanilla engulfed me. She pulled away.

I don't know why, but we grabbed each other and crashed back together. I licked her bottom lip, asking for entrance, and she opened her mouth. The smell of vanilla flooded my senses. I wasn't aware of anything but her. How she felt under my hands, her lips on mine, and her body pressed up against mine. We kissed hungrily, as if we couldn't get enough of each other. I wrapped my arms around her waist and lifted her up, her legs wrapping themselves around my waist. Her hands tangled into my hair, pulling me closer to her- if that was even possible.

I pressed her up against one of the walls and started kissing down her neck. She moaned when a got to the place where her neck and shoulder meet, and I knew I found her sweet spot. Her hands ran up and down my arms and chest, and she gripped the front of my shirt. After what felt like only minutes, we pulled away to see it was almost 9, the time when people started to get up, given it was a Saturday.

We looked into the others eyes.

"So, uh... That was... Uh..." She stammered.

"What are we?" I blurted out. I mentally slapped myself again.

"Well, we can't be together because that would just make your friends hate you-"

"Wait. What about your friends? Won't they hate you?"

"Well, the thing is, Cat, Draco, Blaise and I aren't actually evil. We just act that way because we have familly reputations to uphold." She explained "But Draco can be overprotective sometimes, even if I'm older than he is."

"Well, I know this sounds really mean, but I don't think I could take only being with you when no ones around. I would go crazy." I hoped she didn't slap me.

She nodded. "I know. Me too. I guess we can't be together." She said with a frown.

I put her back down on the ground and we took our mugs over to the sink.

We headed for the exit.

"You go out first, and I'll go after a couple minutes." I said

"Okay" She replied. She was about to push the portrait open when she turned around.

"That was the best midnight snack ever." She then kissed me again. Only a light peck though, and went out the door.

Leaving me there.

I was on cloud 9.

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