Chapter 13~ Fights And Hot Chocolate (George's P.O.V.)

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Chapter 13

Dinner couldn't have finished sooner.

I had to watch Izzy and Scotts kissing and being all couple-y all throughout dinner.

Once everybody was done eating, I practically ran all the way to my room.

I flopped down on my bed.

No one had come up yet, except for a couple 1st and 2nd years.

I heard the door open but I didn't open my eyes.

I felt my bed sink under the weight of someone.

I opened my eyes a little and saw that it was Fred who was sitting there.

"I thought we were twins." he said, not looking up from the floor.

"I thought we told each other everything."

"We do." I said, knowing where this was going.

"Then why didn't you tell me that you liked Lestrange?" he yelled, spitting out her name

"Have you forgotten everything she's ever done? Who her family is?"

"She's not like her family!" I roared, finally snapping "If you got to know her, instead of judging her, you'd actually like her! Ask Harry! Hermione! Damn it Fred! Even ask Diggory! They'd all agree! And she's nothing like her family!"

He scoffed "Yeah. She's not like Malfoy at all. It's not like their considered Slytherin royalty or anything! And if she's so different from her family, then why is she in Slytherin?! Huh?!?!?!"

The door burst open and Harry, Ron, and Hermione ran into the room.

"What's going on?" said Ron "We heard yelling and thought you two were trying to kill each other!"

"Well I might as well!" exclaimed Fred

"Can you believe that George has actually fallen for a Lestrange? It must've been a love potion of something!"

"She's not as bad as she seems, Fred I think you'd actually get along pretty well." Harry said

"She's a Lestrange! For the love of Merlin, has everyone gone insane?!" Fred yelled

"Fred, she's not bad! Just give her a chance!" Hermione yelled "God Fred! Not every Slytherin is evil!"

Everyone mouths hung open.

Hermione had never yelled like that before.

She turned on her heel and stormed out of the room.

I was the next out of the room.

I heard Harry (and to a lesser extent Ron) and Fred continue yelling at each other, but I didn't care.

I ran out of the CR and down to the kitchens.

I entered and sunk down in a corner, shrouded in shadows.

The doors opened and in walked Izzy.

She walked over to the counter and waved her wand and someone sort of pot-like thing appeared.

She walked over to a cupboard and took out two cartoon mugs.

She went back over to the pot-thing, and poured out some liquid.

She waved her wand again and two red bar stools appeared.

She sat down on one and took a sip from one of the mugs. She placed the other mug in front of the other stool.

"Come on out, George." she said "I made hot chocolate."

I stood up and said, "How did you know it was me?"

The corner of her mouth twitched up into a smile. "Call it intuition"

I sat down on the other bar stool and took a sip out of my mug.

Then, because it's so amazing, I took a huge gulp.

She chuckled and took another sip of her hot chocolate.

I took another swig and she burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked, narrowing my eyes

"You have the best hot chocolate mustache that I've ever seen." she said between laughs

I whipped my mouth on the back of my hand.

"Better?" I asked

She chuckled and shook her head.

"Here," she said "Let me get it."

She reached over and whipped her thumb over my top lip.

Her thumb trailed down from the corner of my lips, down my jaw. Her eyes fell down my face and rested on my lips.

"There" she said in a soft voice "All gone."

"Thanks" I said

"So, I saw you with Daniel Scotts at dinner tonight. How's that going?"

"It's great. Uh, how about you and Katie Bell? I saw you ask her to the Ball during breakfast this morning."


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