Chapter 16~ KatKid2000

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A.N. A huge thank you to Madison Signor a.k.a. KatKid2000 for writing this chapter! The only part I had in this was to correct a few things and edit. Other than that it was all Madison. <3

Chapter 16

Fred's P.O.V.

I couldn't believe it! How could George like her... A Lestrange? Does he not know what her parents have done?

Worse, she's a Slytherin.

There's this big 'no dating!' thing between Gryffindor and Slytherin.

It's like a felony.

I'm so pissed with my twin right now.

"I hope they all know we went as friends."

The voices of Lestrange and Scotts was broadcasted across the GH (Great Hall).

I will tell you that I did that. And I'm proud of it.

I was in the dorm, and George had come in, whistling a tune by the Weird Sisters.

"So." I said "I love how you didn't know that Lestrange and Scotts are just friends."

"Why do you call Izzy, Lestrange?" he asked me

"Because she is exactly like her mother!" I exclaimed, fell my anger start to rise

"No, she's not!" he growled.

"Yes, she is!"

That was when I did the first thing that came to my mind.

I punched him.

Right in the nose.

It shattered.

"What the hell was that for!?" George exclaimed through the blood.

"For liking Lestrange!"

Izzy's P.O.V.

It was hard.

It was depressing.

I sat in the Hospital Wing, next to George Weasley, who had a shattered nose, a bloody lip, and somehow, a broken arm.

Katie Bell was nowhere in sight.

Well, actually I had seen her snogging some Drumstrang boy, but I didn't want his mood to be ruined- even more, at least.

"Who did this to you?" I softly asked the ginger boy I fell in love with.

"Fred." he said, sadly, while looking at me.

"What? Why would my son beat up his twin?" I heard a woman ask in the background.

"Mum?" George asked

Sure enough, his mum was there.

Mrs. Weasley had curly red hair, warm, kind brown eyes, and was a little plump. She had that motherly look to her.

"Because I'm friends with her." George softly said and he nodded at me.

His mum looked at me.

"What's your name, deary?" she kindly asked.

I took a deep breath.

"Isabelle. IsabelleLestrange. Call me Izzy. Isabelle sounds too formal."

She looked at me "And what house are you in?"


"George, you're her friend?"

"Of course."

I think I heard him murmur, "I wish I was more.." under his breath. But it was probably just my imagination.

"Then you seem like a nice girl, Izzy."

"Thanks. Nobody else think so."


"When I was younger, I was raised to 'uphold the family image'." I used air quotations

"You know: evil, cruel, deadly, will kill you at any moment, psychotic."

I felt tears start to prick the back of my eyes but I quickly blinked them back.

"George, Harry, Hermione, and Cedric are the only friends I've made by myself and not just because of 'family'." I used some more air quotations around family.

Little did I know of the ginger outside the Hospital Wing doors.

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