Chapter 8~ Similarities and Clues

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Chapter 8

Harry and I had been outside all day, trying to figure out what the screeching was supposed to mean.

I opened my egg once more to see if something had changed.

No such luck.

I quickly shut it and Harry removed his hand from his ears.

"I wish we knew what it meant!" He groaned in frustration.

Something that Draco always did.

I chuckled and Harry glared up at me.

"What's so funny?"

I shook my head. "It amazes me how two people that are so alike, can hate each other so much."

"What d'you mean?" He asked, his eyebrows bunching together. Another thing that Draco did.

"You and Draco. You guys are so similar. You both groan when you're frustrated- very loudly, I might add, and you're eyebrows bunch together when you're confused."

He looked at me like I was crazy.

"We are NOT similar."

"Yes you are!" I sang

"NO we're NOT!" He said again

I laughed and patted him on his shoulder. "Whatever you say, Harry"

He glared at me. "I think we're done for the day, Isabelle" He said, putting emphasis on my full name.

And with that, he stormed off.

I shook my head, still laughing and set off to the GH for supper when Cedric came running up to me.

"Hey Cedric!" I said, smiling brightly.

Cedric and I had become great friends since the tournament had started. He realised that I'm not like I appear to be, and that I'm actually really nice.

He grinned at me and pulled me behind a statue.

"Guess what, Izzy?" He seemed really excited about something.

I gave him a weird look. "What?"

"I figured out the egg clue!" He whispered

My eyes went wide. "What?" I asked "How?"

"Well, I was taking a bath in the prefects' bathroom last night, and I had the egg with me, and I-I don't know why I did it, but I put the egg under the water and opened it up. And guess what? Instead of the screeching, there was singing!"

I gasped. "I'll go to the prefects bathroom tonight and listen to it." He nodded and we headed into the GH.

"Let me know what it sang. I want to compare it to mine to see if their different."

I nodded and we went to our separate tables.

I sat down beside Cat and leaned my head on her shoulder.

"What's wrong sweetie?"

I sighed heavily.

"This stupid clue!" I decided not to tell them about the tip that Cedric gave me. "I just can't figure it out! All it does is screech! I was outside all day with Harry, trying to figure out what it means."

"Maybe you're looking at this wrong." Said Blaise "Maybe you have to feed it, or something. After all, eggs are just unborn creatures, right? Maybe you have to nurture it."

"You're a genius, Blaise!" Exclaimed Draco "That's got to be it."

I nodded, knowing that it wasn't. "Alright. I'll go to the kitchens after hours and try it out."

"So Draco, how's you're little Pansy problem?" I asked

He shrugged "Meh"

Blaise burst out laughing. "Are you kidding? She freaking stalks him! It's hilarious!"

Drake hit him, and scowled.

Cat and I laughed at the look on Draco's face.

"It's not funny." He grumbled

"Oh, dear cousin. But it is."

"Let me see if I can set her straight." Cat said, standing up and walking down the table to where Pansy was sitting with her friends.

Cat sat down down leaned toward them, saying something.

"Urrrrrh" Draco groaned "She's just going to make it worse!"

I chuckled at him.

Cat came back over and sat down with a large smile on her face.

"Soooo?" Blaise asked "How'd it go?"

She grinned even wider. "I told her that Draco was in love with her." I burst out laughing and she and Blaise high fived over the table.

Draco looked as if he would murderer her.

Right here.

Right now.

Then it hit me.

"Dude! I know how to get Parkinson off your back!"

They all looked at me like I was crazy.

"Take her out on a date, but be totally gross. She'll be so disgusted, she'll finally get over you."

Draco looked like he could jump over the moon.

"That's brilliant, cuz!"

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