Chapter 24~ Back to School

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A/N: I was on Tumblr the other day when I saw a post that said that in the books, there are no uniforms; just robes, and they don't have house colours on them. Although I have written the uniforms in before, from here on I'll just be using the robes.
Also, ignore the other beds in the picture.

Chapter 24

Walking into the Ministry of Magic to remove her flat from the flu network had been fairly easy for Isabelle. Walking through the barrier to platform 9 and 3/4 was a whole other matter.

Her stomach clenched and her heart leaped into her throat.

She had had no contact with Cat; and her mother, when she was actually at their house, had started acting and dressing as she did when Voldemort first came to power.

Putting her chin up and her shoulders back, Isabelle strutted over to the baggage pile to be put on the train.

She climbed onto the train and started her search for her friends.

Eventually, she came across Draco and Blaise sitting in a compartment with Crab, Goyle, and Parkinson. Deciding that she didn't want to spend the trip listening to Pansy going on and on about how she hated school, Isabelle moved along.

Continuing down the hall, Isabelle came across an empty compartment. Figuring it was better than nothing, she went in and sat down, propping her feet up on the bench parallel to her.

Pulling her purse onto her lap, she took out the letter that the strange man had given her. It was a nice offer but she had other concerns.

Cedric was dead, George and her had slept together and then had a falling out, her best friend was missing, and apparently, there would be a special teacher taking up the Defence Against the Dark Arts post -whatever that meant.


The train ride had started out uneventful, with Isabelle sitting by herself watching the scenery go past. After about half an hour, a slim boy with curly brown hair came and told her she was supposed to be in the Prefects compartment.

He turned out to be a Ravenclaw named Sam Teller, the new Head Boy. For the rest of the trip, they had to direct the Prefects on what their duties and responsibilities would be and when they should patrol the train.

The opening feast had almost been fine. The new DADA teacher, Dolores Umbridge, interrupted Dumbledore to make a speech about how 'things at Hogwarts had to change'.

Who interrupts Dumbledore? No one. That's who.

Shaking the thoughts from her head, Isabelle walked down the hallway to her room. Thankfully, the Head Girl and Boy get to stay in the house's dormitories.

The room was beautiful.

The floor was made of big gray stones, and the walls had incredibly intricate designs on them. There were large windows looking out into the lake, torches between them, with a window seat in front of the middle one. A four-poster bed sat looking into the room from the far wall. In the centre of the room was a pool filled with water, reflecting the light and holding a small statue.

Well, at least one thing will be nice this year.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2015 ⏰

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