Chapter 9

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    NOTE: After years of completing missions, you become the 29th Moon pillar/Hashira. You are friends with Shinobu and Mitsuri. (Sorry for the big time skip, I'm just to lazy. LOL)

      I walk out of my estate to see Shinobu and Mitsuri, "Hey girls!" I wave. "Oh hey (Y/N)!" Mitsuri says. She hugs you and you hug back, "Ara ara, already a hug?" Shinobu says. "Hehe." Mitsuri says. "Oh have you heard? Giyuu, the water pillar made his own breathing style, it's called dead calm or something." Mitsuri says, "Giyuu? I've heard that name before.." then you realize he was trained by Urorodaki and you met him a long time ago.

    "Where is he?" I ask, "Uh I think he's in his estate, not sure though." Shinobu says. "Okay thanks, I'm gonna go see him real quick. You girls go ahead." You say. They both nod. You make it to the Water Estate, you knock on the door.


   I hear a knock at the door, I walk up and I open it to see a girl with (H/C) hair and a (F/C) haori. She was kinda pretty, "H-hi Giyuu, uh do you remember me?" She says, I shake my head. "It's (Y/N), we both trained with Urorodaki." She says, "I only remember Urorodaki, not you." I say with a cold face. "Are you sure..? Remember when you told me about yourself." I think for a bit before shaking my head in response.

-(Y/N)'s POV-

    He shakes his head in response, "Cmon! You have to remember me!" At this point I'm annoying him. He looks annoyed, "I DONT KNOW YOU!" He yells at me. Then he slams the door shut, my eyes widen. Does he actually don't remember me?.. Tears slowly run down my face, "Hey, are you okay?" Mitsuri says. I wipe my tears and I turn around, "Y-yeah! I'm fine." I put a fake smile on. "I don't think so." Shinobu says. "Let's talk about it in my estate."

We walk to Shinobu's estate, we enter and sit down on mats. Shinobu pours some tea, "So what's wrong? Tell us." Mitsuri says. "Well, I knew Giyuu when we were kids. He was also trained by Urorodaki, now he wants to act like strangers." I say, "Ara ara, you were crying over a boy? Don't cry over him, you must stay strong." Shinobu says. I nod, "I get it, love isn't it?" Mitsuri says. "No, I don't like him." I say sipping the tea, Mitsuri scoffs. "I really don't!" I say, "Suree." Mitsuri says.

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