Chapter 6

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Six more days, I can do this!! I continue walking, then I hear a loud scream of a girl. I rush over to the scene, there I see a demon about to devour a girl. My eyes widen, I have to do something!  I jump above "Total Concentration.. Sixth Form: Perpetual Night- Incessant." I release a wild storm of slashes in multiple directions. I first slash its arms and legs then finally it's head, the girl is released from its grip and I catch her and I run away.

I sit behind a tree, I take my water out from my bag and splash it on her. She wakes up from the cold water, "Oh thank god your alive!" I say with a sigh of relief. "I-I'm alive?" She says, "Yes you are, what happened?" I say drinking water. "I was fighting the demon grabbed me, I thought I was dead until you saved me. Thank you so much!" The girl says, "No problem, what's your name?" I smile. The girl takes out a coin and flips it, it lands on head. Than she opens her mouth, "It's Kanao Tsuyuri, what's yours?" She says, "Nice to meet you Kanao, I'm (Y/N) Tsukiko." I was a bit confused, she was talking earlier and now she had to flip a coin?

"Thanks for saving me (Y/N), what's your breathing style?" She asks, "My style is moon breathing, what's yours?" I say. "Mine is flower breathing." She answers, "Oh that's so cool!" I say back. "Thank you, but I'll be on my way now. Don't wanna cause you anymore trouble." She says, "Ah~Right! See ya later!" I answer. She waves goodbye and walks away, hopefully I see her again. I continue walking.


   One more day! You got this!! I take a deep breath, "Its nighttime, so demons will be more active here." I mumble. Then I hear yet another scream, I rush over to see a morphed demon. Urorodaki told me morphed demons have a harder neck so it's hard to kill, I was about to strike but the sun slowly came up. Ending the form, right then and there. Well, that's one way to end a demon.. Wait, that means I passed the test..."

I walk back to the main place, only a few kids are here. Which means a bunch of kids died.. I see Kanao on the opposite side, at least she made it out. Then the two girls come out, "Good job to all the children to passed, now you will pick an ore for your custom Nichirin swords." The black haired one says, "But first you will each get a Kasugai crow to tell you your missions." The white one says. The girl whistles and a crow lands on my arm, I pet its head.

Then the girls show us a collection of ores we can choose, it's hard to choose, they're all beautiful. I end up choosing a white and grey crystal, "I would like this please." I bow and give it to the girls. They nod, "Your sword will come in about 15 days, along with that, you will have a custom Demon Slayer Uniform."

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