Part 12 - Pick Majora

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"I think I'm going to choose... Majora." You announce.

"Me?" He says with another mouthful of popcorn. "Sweet." He walks up to you, and you hand him the rose.

"Where did you even get that popcorn anyway?" You laugh, and he shrugs.

"So you weren't lying about sticking with me after all." He said with a sly smile as he nudged you with his elbow. You rolled your eyes and smiled.

"Yeah I guess you were right." You shrugged. "But you wanna know why I picked you?" You continued, making sure you were talking loudly. "I picked you because you have a cat named Snuffles." All the other links began to chuckle. Majora's face turned red.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." He brushed the comment off. You laughed and handed him the rose. He smiled and returned to the group. You all make a toast together, and engage in some small talk for a while. Eventually though, the clock struck midnight.

"Alright, we should get to bed I suppose." You say. You were glad it was the end of the day, you didn't realize how exhausted you were. You and the links had one last toast, and you all headed to your rooms. You wiped off all your makeup and took a quick shower, and finally collapsed in your bed.

Continue to part 15

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