Part 17 - Your date with Sky

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Your date with Sky was next. You took a quick shower, making sure you didn't have anything else in your hair. He had told you to wear something you could easily move in, and that you'd be outdoors. You checked the weather and it seemed like it would be sunny, so you just put on a shirt, leggings, and tennis shoes. You redid your hair quickly, and walked downstairs, where Sky was waiting. He greeted you, and you both walked outside to the limo.

          You had no idea where you were going, but you were excited to find out. It wasn't too long of a drive, maybe 20 minutes. You and Link struck up some small talk on the way there. As you drove, there were less and less buildings, until you were completely surrounded by trees. You didn't have any idea what could be out here.  Eventually, the car came to a stop.

          "We're here!" Sky said with a smile. You stepped out of the car and looked around.

          "We're where? Exactly?" You replied, confused. There was nothing here, just more trees.

          "Well we still have to go on a short walk. Then we'll really be there." He responded. You shrugged, and followed him to the edge of the treeline next to the dirt road. There was a small trail that separated the trees, and you followed Sky along it. You walked in silence for a bit, occasionally talking about a bird, or a plant, but you mostly just admired nature.

           Not more than five minutes later, you noticed that the trees were starting to thin. You turned a corner of the path, and were greeted with an open land of grass. In the middle was a picnic blanket, with all sorts of food on top. But what was most amazing was the view. You hadn't noticed it before, but you were driving upwards almost the whole trip. You were on top of a sheer cliff, about seven stories tall. You had an amazing view of the city below, and the ocean a bit further to the right.

          "This is beautiful.." you gaped at the view. "Although... I am slightly afraid of heights." You tried not to look straight down.

          "Oh, if you want we can move the picnic blanket a bit further from the cliff." He replied, concerned.

          "No, it's alright." You followed him up to the blanket and sat down. You pulled a basket toward you and opened it. "Woah, this looks delicious." There were two bowls of hot, orange soup, with green spices on top.

    "Thanks! But I can't take the credit. I bought it from the Lumpy Pumpkin. Have you ever had it?"

          "No, I haven't. But it smells great!" You smiled and went to pick up a bowl, but quickly retracted your hand.

          "Careful, it's hot. You ok?"

          "Yeah, I'm fine." This time you grabbed a napkin and used it to lift the soup. Sky grabbed a bowl too, and you both took a taste. It burned your tongue a little, but you didn't pay any mind to it, and just enjoyed the flavor. It must've been pumpkin soup, a weird taste, but surprisingly good. You and Sky made some small talk as you both enjoyed your meal. Eventually both your bowls were empty.

          "Well this was fun!" You smiled.

          "I'm glad. But I have one more surprise for you." He smirked. "Close your eyes."

          "Oh. Ok." You closed your eyes, and Sky grabbed your arm. You walked with him a few steps.

          "You have to trust me, ok? You won't get hurt, I promise." You heard him say.

          "Um... well now I might be a bit worried." You replied.

          "Don't be." He walked one tiny step forward, and you followed. He grabbed your arm tightly, and told you to open your eyes. You did as he was told, and almost panicked. You were standing on the very edge of the cliff. The tip of your shoes weren't even more than an inch away from dangling over the edge.

          "Woaaaah..... ok..." Once you got used to it, it wasn't to scary. "This isn't so bad." You smiled uncertainly, trying to convince yourself.

          "Ok, you ready?" He asked.

          "Ready for what?!" You asked, confused. Sky smiled slyly.

          "3... 2..."


          "...1. JUMP!" You were suddenly shoved off of the cliff. Sky jumped with you. Well, guess this is the end of me. What was this anyway? Some sort of suicide pact? The wind roared past your ears. Guess it doesn't matter now. Hurdling to the ground, you closed your eyes and waited, but you heard something, a whistle. And then, a caw. Your body fell onto something, it was soft, like a bed of clouds. You slowly opened your eyes.

          "Woah.... this is amazing." You gasped. You were on top of a giant bird. It's feathers were ruby red, and it's wing and tail were tipped in purple, yellow, andwhite. Sky was sitting behind you. The wind blew vigorously through your hair as you rode smoothly over the city below.

          "This is my loftwing." Sky beamed. You leaned forward on the bird and pet it's neck. It let out another happy caw.

          "A loftwing... amazing." You smiled. "This is beautiful." You could see the ocean in the distance. The sun cast a yellow hue over the horizon, and the smell of summer air filled your nose. "Hey look! I think I see the mansion." You pointed towards it, and Sky's gaze followed.

          "Oh yeah! I think it is. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying it."

          "Mhm! Oh, but please refrain from pushing me off of cliffs in the future, ok? At least give me some sort of warning." Sky chuckles nervously.

         "Yeah, sorry 'bout that..." You laughed, and enjoyed the view. You rode on the bird awhile longer, but eventually you circled back and landed next to the picnic blanket. You said goodbye to the bird, and you and Sky walked back down the forest trail. You got back into the limo, while attempting to tame your mangled hair. Sky tried to help, but you both swiftly gave up and laughed about it. Once you got back, you thanked Sky and headed back inside.

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