Part 38 - Bonus date with Twi

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When it was time for your date the next day, you got into the limo with Twi and headed into the city. The car stopped at the end of a small street. Twi got out of the limo first and opened your door. You stepped onto the sidewalk and looked around for your destination. Your eyes landed on an aged wooden sign that read Telma's Tavern, peaking out of the alley. You could already smell the food cooking inside, a mix of barbecue and steak that made your mouth water. Twi nodded at you, and you followed him up to the door. You opened it halfway and looked through. Inside was extremely lively, groups of people laughing, cheering, and playing darts and pool. A few turned to glance at you when you opened the door, but they quickly returned back to their own happenings. A woman behind the bar locked eyes with you. She had cheerful eyes and brown hair, and looked a fair bit older than both you and Twi.

"Do we have a new face? Come on in, welcome to Telma's Tavern!" She had a strong, booming voice that was strangely welcoming. You opened the door fully and stepped through, Twi appearing behind you. Suddenly the room got louder with an array of voices and shouts.

"Twi?! How's it going!"

"Hey! Look who's here!"

"Twi? You still owe me 10 dolla!"

It seemed like everyone in the room knew him. You felt a bit overwhelmed with all the strangers crowding around the both of you. Twi could tell, and stepped closer to you while trying to calm the crowd. It seemed to work a bit, until the woman behind the bar came up and pulled Twi into a bear hug.

"Well I'll be darned! You don't come around to visit nearly enough, boy!" He gave you a pleading look to help him, but there was nothing you could do until the woman released him on her own. "And who is this fine lady?"

"This is (Y/N)." He replied, still a bit flustered from the encounter. "And this," he gestured to the woman. "Is Telma."

"Nice to meet you." You smiled politely. Telma reached out and shook your hand with a lot of strength.

"Woowie! You sure did score yourself a pretty one Twi." Telma said confidently. A few whoops and laughs came from the crowd. You and Twi glanced at each other and you couldn't help but laugh and blush a bit. Twi scratched the back of his head. "Well come on you two! Sit, sit." Telma gestured to two stools at the bar. You followed Twi and sat down next to him. "We've got to catch up Twi! How have things been going? Parents' still giving you a hard time?"

"Eh." Twi smiled and shrugged awkwardly. "I think they've given up on me at this point."

"Hey, that's probably for the best! You don't need them telling you what to do anyway." She smiled. "Anyway, what can I get you two to drink"

"Hmm. I'll order the (favorite drink)." You respond.

"Coming right up!" She grinned. "And I assume the usual for you Twi?"

"You bet." He smiles. Telma turns away, and Twi turns his attention to you.

"The people here are all really kind, but it can be a bit overwhelming. Are you alright?" He asks, noticing your shocked expression.

"Yeah I'm fine." You laugh. "I guess I just didn't prepare for this. Forgive me if this is offensive, but I assumed you'd take me to some fancy quiet dining type place. It just seems like you're that type of person." Twi did, in fact, look a tad offended. You quickly apologized. "Sorry sorry, I said no offense." Twi laughed.

"It's fine, it's fine." He paused, and looked concerned. "Would you have preferred a place like that? More fancy?" Your eyes widened.

"No, no!" You waved your hands in front of your face. "Not at all! To me it just seemed like you would've preferred it."

"Naw, places like this are better. I feel more at home here than I would anywhere else. A fancy place seems cold and gated. But here, the food is amazing, and you can just be yourself." He smiled and you followed his eyes as he looked across the room. "I've known Telma forever. And in turn, many people here. They are more of my family than anyone else." You smiled and laughed. His eyebrows furrowed. "What are you laughing at?"

"I never knew you were this wholesome." You tease, making him scoff.

"Here are your drinks!" Telma drops both of your wooden mugs on the table. "Now, what can I get you to eat? Dinner's on the house!"

"Do you want to share some potato croquettes? They're my favorite." Twi asks.

"Potato croquettes? Sure, I'll try them."

"Ok. I'll also get a hearty meat pie." He nods, seemingly excited for his meal.

"I'll try something new... How about the venison apple stew? That sounds intriguing" You respond.

"Alrighty! I'll have that cooked up real quick!" She walks away from the table. Twi picks up his drink and gulps it down quickly, and you give him a concerned side glance.

"You trying to impress me or something? What'd you get anyway?" He throws down his near empty mug.

"No. And it's rootbeer. I'm just thirsty." Suddenly you hear another voice close behind you.

"Link?" You both glance at the man standing behind you. He had a sharp nose and slick light brown hair, contrasted by circular glasses. "Apologies for interrupting, but I believe we have an unsettled dispute to sort out. You didn't forget, did you?"

"No, Shad, I didn't forget." Twi sighs.

"Good, because you" he pressed a finger to Twi's chest and bent down closer to his face to glare into his eyes. "still owe me 10 rupees. But I haven't seen you in awhile, so how about this." He pointed behind him. "You, me, and a game of pool! If you win, you don't have to give me anything. But if I win, your dues are doubled!" Twi stood up and smirked.

"Oh, you're on! How about we make it more interesting though? A doubles match!"

"Okay, whatever!" Shad agreed aggressively, getting even closer to Twi's face. You got the feeling that neither really cared about the bet and just wanted an excuse to verse each other.

———Are you good at pool?———

No - Continue to Chapter 39

Yes - Continue to Chapter 40


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